
The Cayce Herbal
 A Comprehensive Guide to the 
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Herbs for Health
by Otto Mausert, N.D. (1932)

Materia Medica

[NOTE: The original Materia Medica section has been subdivided into two sections to keep the file size managable.

  • Section 2 is a long list of herbs with indications and dosages.]


Agrimonia Eupatoria; Part used: The Herb
German, Odermennig. French, Aigremoine.
    A very valuable herb. It has a tendency of invigorating the functions of stomach, liver and bowels, eliminating foul matter from the system. It is also highly recommended in the treatment of stones and gravel in kidneys and bladder. As a gargle, the decoction is very effective in soreness and inflammation of mouth and throat. Doses 30-60 grains.

Aloe Vera
German, Aloe. French, Alo@s. Spanish, Acibar.
    Aloe is the dried juice of the Aloe leaves. It is a good laxative, promoting and assisting the action of the large intestines. As it also has a tendency to increase the menstrual flow, it should not be used by those having naturally an excessive flow, nor should it be used during the menstrual period, nor in cases of pregnancy. Sufferers from piles also should never use it. Cornbine.d with other medicines its action is milder and is preferably used that way. Dose 3-5 grains. (For colored illustration see Plate No. 3.)

Angelica Officinalis; Part used: The root and the seeds
German, Engelwurzel. French, Ang6lique. Spanish, Ang6lica.
    A very useful aromatic stii-nulant, relieves gas and colicky pains in the stomach and congestion in the abdomen. Its nerve quieting effect also deserves mentioning. Dose 30-60 grains.

Pimpinella Anisum; Part used: The Seeds
German, Anis Samen. French, Anis vert. Spanish, Anis.
    A decoction of Anis seeds added to the milk relieves gas pains and colic in small children. It has a very quieting and soothing
effect. Used by the. mother, it increases the milk secretion and stimulates the action of the stomach. It is also extensively used as a flavoring agent in pastries, etc. Average dose 30 grains.

Arnica Montana; Part used: Flowers
German, Arnicablfiten. French, Fieurs d'Arnique. Spanish, Flor dearnica.
    In this country Arnica is mostly used in the form of the Tincture as an external application in Sprains, Bruises, to relieve inflammation and swelling. In Europe, however, it is also used internally in the treatment of Gout, Rheumatism and Feverish conditions. Ddse, internally, 5 to 10 grains, three or four times a day. For colored Illustration see Plate No. 3.)

Trillium Pendulmum; Part used: The Root
    A highly prized Indian remedy to stop bleeding from lungs, bowels, kidneys and to arrest excessive menstrual flow. In coughs, bronchitis and asthmatic conditions, it is said to give quick and certain relief. Average dose 30 grains.

Vaccinium Myrtillus; Part used: Leaves and Berries
German, Heidelbeeren. French, Myrtille'. Spanish, ArAndano.
    The berries are an excellent remedy in diarrhea and their juice mixed with water affords a very refreshing drink in all feverish conditions. The leaves are considered one of the best and most reliable remedies in Diabetes and also in disorders of the
Urinary Organs, in gravel and stones of the Kidneys and Bladder. Dose of the leaves 60 grains several times a day. They should be. taken, however, for a long period of time. For colored Illustrations see Plate No. 5.

Betula Lenta; Part used: The Leaves
German, Birke. French, Bouleau. Spanish, Abedul.
    Useful in looseness of the bowels in grown-ups and children, produces sweating, if used warm as a tea. Has been highly rizcommended in complaints of the urinary organs, inflammation or gravel in kidneys and bladder. Dose 60 grains. (For illustration see page 129.)

Rubus Villosus; Part used: The Bark of the Root
German, Brombeer Rinde. French, Ecorce de Ronce Noir. Spanish, Zanzamora.
    An excellent remedy in Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaints in children, and loose conditions of Stomach and Bowels. A decoction of the bark is used as a douche in Leuccorrhea and in relaxed conditions of the womb. Dose, from 15 to 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Cimicifuga Racemosa; Part used: The Root
German, Schwarze Schlangenwurzel. French, Racine d'Actie a Grappes,
    This root is particularly useful in rheumatic affections and in uterine disorders. In periodical cramps, leucorrhea, irregular menses it is invaluable. It also has a quieting and strengthening effect on the nervous system, soothing pain and relieving fever and inflammation. Average dose, 15 grains.

Sanguinaria Canadensis; Part used: The Root
German, Blutwurzel. French, Sanguinaire.
    This root is a very active stimulating agent and should be used carefully. In small doses from % to 5 grains, it is an effective expectorant, up to twenty grains it acts as an -emetic and may be used in such cases where a.quick emptying of the stomach is desired. Applied externally as a powder to skin eruptions, nose polyps, ulcers and bad healing sores it exerts great healing power, encouraging new and healthy tissues. Average dose 2 grains.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum; Part used: The Entire Plant
German, Wasserdost. French, Eupatore perfoili6e.
    Its fever reducing and diaphoretic properties make this plant one of the most valuable herbs in colds and fevers. Catarrhal conditions due to colds yield quickly to the healing effect of this wonderful plant. It is also highly recommended as a cold preventative. Average dose 30 grains.

Rosa Canina; Part used: The Fruit
German, Hagebutton.- French, Gratte cul Spanish, Calambrujo cirosbatos.
    This fruit is rich in Citric and Malic acid and is said to have wonderful dissolving properties on stones of Kidneys and Bladder. Dose 60 grains. (For illustration see plate 4.)

Cytisus Scoparius; Part used: The Dried Tops
German, Besenginster. French, Genet a balais. Spanish, Retama.
    Highly recommended in disorders of the urinary organs, especially in such cases where the urine is retained or flows scantily
or painfully. Increases the. flow of the urine in dropsical conditions and relieves spasms in the bladder. It also has a tonic effect on the heart. Average dose 15 grains.

Barosma Betulina; Part used: The Leaves
German, Buckublatter. French, Feuilles de Bucco.
    One of the best and most useful herbs -in diseases of the urinary organs, attended with increased uric acid. Relieves catarrhal conditions, inflammation in kidneys and cramps in the bladder. It has also been recommended in gravel and stones in kidneys and bladder. Its soothing and strengthening effect on the urinary organs is highly praised. Dose 30 grains.

Menyanthes Trifoliata; Part used: The Leaves
German, Bitterklee. French, Trefle d'eau. Spanish, Trobol.
    Excellent for the improvement of the quality and the flow of the digestive juices. Exerts a good influence. on stomach and bowels, relieving gas and excess of acid in these organs. Its prompt action in fever and colds makes it a valued and well known botanical all over Europe. Dose. 30 grains. (For illustration see plate 2.)

Rhamnus Frangula; Part used: The Bark
German, Faulbaum Rinde. French, itcorce de Bourdaine. Spanish, Arraclan.
    This bark, like the American variety, the Cascara Bark, should be at least two years old before it is used; it acts then as a mild, yet reliable and effective laxative, inciting the action of stomach and bowels very favorably. If used fresh, it may cause considerable griping and vomiting. Average dose 15-30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 5.)

Arctium Lappa; Part used: The Root; The Seeds
German, Klettenwurzel. French, Bardane. Spanish, Lampazo.
    This root is known for its blood cleansing properties and is, therefore, used in innumerable Spring medicines and blood remedies. Skin eruptions, due to impurities in the blood, yield quickly to its cleansing properties. It is extensively used in scrofulous, hepatic, rheumatic and cutaneous diseases. The seeds are used in disorders of the Kidneys. Burdock Oil is very highly recommended as an external application to the scalp, to stop the falling out of hair. Average dose of the Root and Seeds, 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

Rhamnus Purshiana; Part used: The Bark
German, Cascara Rinde. French, Ecorce Sagrada. Spanish, Cascara Sagrada.
    This is one of the most useful among the popular and comparatively newer botanicals. Its mild and yet e.ffective action on the bowels make it a favorite with many. It acts by increasing the muscular action of the intestines, toning and cleansing them. It is especially valuable in the treatment of cases of a longer standing. It should be at least two years old before it is used.

Erythraea Centaurium; Part used: The Flowering Herb
German, Tausendguldenkraut. French, Petite centauree. Spanish, Centaura menor.
    This herb enjoys great popularity in Europe as a remedy in stomach disorders. It increases the appetite and invigorates the digestion. It is especially effective in cases where a tonic and blood builder is required on account of poor function of the digestive organs. Average dose 30 grains, (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Matricaria Chamomilla; Part used: The Flowers
German, Kamillen. French, Camomille. Spanish, Manzanilla.
    This is one of the oldest and most popular remedies for gas and cramps in the stomach. Its soothing, pain relieving effect in stomach disorders and menstrual irregularities make it a most valued medicinal agent, especially in such cases where these troubles are of a nervous origin. The infusion is used externally with good results as compresses to relieve pain and swelling. Recently it has been extensively used as a hair wash to brighten the hair. Dose from 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 4.)

Cichorium Intybus; Part used: The Root and Leaves
German, Wegwart. French, Chicor6e. Spanish, Achicoria amarga.
    The root is very useful as a tonic and mild laxative. In Hepatic congestions, jaundice, and other Visceral obstructions, it has proven very beneficial. The roasted root is used to a great extent as a coffee substitute. ' The leaves have similar properties. Dose, from 60 to 120 grains, fo . r both. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

Cinchona Succirubra; Part used: The Bark
German, China Rinde. French, Ecorce de Quinquina. Spanish, Quina.
    A very effective remedy in general weakness due to impaired digestion and incomplete assimilation of the food. Acts as antiseptic and astringent tonic on stomach and bowels; aids the digestion, relieves gas and excess acid formed by a faulty digestion.
    It has proven to be one of the most useful fever and cold remedies known. It is also said to have a pronounced action on the nervous system and therefore very useful in nervous dyspepsia and hysteria. Externally in the form of a poultice it is a valuable remedy in indolent ulcers and old open sores.

Tussilago Farfara; Part used: The Leaves
German, Huflattich. French, Pas d'ane. Spanish, Una de caballo.
    A very useful herb in affections of bronchial tubes and lungs. Facilitates the loosening up of phlegm; relieves cough and colds settled in the air passages. As it is perfectly harmless and yet effective, it may be used freely and continuously by those suffering from affections of bronchial tubes and lungs. Average dose, 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Symphitum Officinalis; Part used: The Root
German, Beinwell. French, Consoude. Spanish, Consuelda major.
    This root is very useful in pulmonary affections, coughs, colds in lungs and throat. It relieves inflamed conditions of the air passages and loosens and removes phlegm. Dose, 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 5.)

Viburnum Opulus
German, Schneeball Rinde. French, Obier.
    As its name indicates, this bark is very effective in relieving cramps and spasms of all kinds. As it also exerts a decided influence upon the generative organs, it is especially useful in menstrual cramps and pains, giving tone and energy to the Uterus. It is claimed that its use during pregnancy has a tendency of diminishing miscarriage, especially if used with equal parts of Blazing Star Root. Average dose, 30 grains.

Leontodon Taraxacum; Part used; The Root; The Leaves
    German, Lbwenzahn. French, Dent de Lion, Pissenlit. Spanish, Diente de Leon.
The blood cleansing properties of this simple root and its stimulating effect on stomach, liver and bowels, make it a very valuable botanical for all disorders of these organs.
    The leaves used fresh as a salad invigorate the functions of the digestive organs; it is rich in iron and other valuable mineral elements which are very beneficial to the well being of everyone. In the event the fresh leaves cannot be obtained, the dried leaves will do. Average dose, 60 to 120 grains.

Triticum Repens; Part used: The Root, Rhizome
German, Queckenwurzel. French, Chiendent. Spanish, Rizoma de Grama.
    Dog Grass is very valuable in disorders of Kidneys and Bladder and in urinary troubles that originate with colds and catarrh in these organs. It induces the proper flow of the urine, tends to relieve painful, scanty, but frequent urination. Its blood purifying properties are also quite pronounced. Average dose, 60 to 120 grains.

Sambucus Ebulus; Part used: The Root
German, Attich Wurzel. French, Hieble. Spanish, Yezgo.
    This root is one of Father Kneipp's favorite remedies for disorders of Kidneys and Bladder, especially in dropsical conditions
it is said to give good results. Dose, 15 to 30 grains. (For colored illustrations see plate. 3.)

Urtica Urens; Part used: The Entire Green Plant and the Root
German, Brenn-Nessel. French, Ortie. Spanish, Ortiga major.
    This plant is rich in organic mineral substances and therefore valuable as a blood and systei-n cleanser. Because of its diuretic properties, it reduces the acid contents of the blood and eliminates impurities through the kidneys and bladder. In looseness or bleeding of the bowels it can be used with good results.
    A decoction or extraction of the root used on the scalp is a most favored remedy in Europe for falling out of the hair. Dose 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 2.)

Sambucus Nigra; Part used: The Flowers, The Berries, The Root
German, Hollunder Bifiten. French, Fleur de Sureau. Spanish, Sauco.
    The flowers made into a tea open the pores and produce sweating. In that manner they aid in eliminating acids and other impurities through the skin. They are, therefore, very valuable in the treatment of colds, coughs, rheumatic and catarrhal conditions due to suppressed skin action. Average dose 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 2.)

Inula Helenium; Part used: The Root
German, Alant. French, Aun6e. Spanish, Enula Campana.
    Very useful in coughs and colds in bronchial tubes and lungs. It assists in loosening phlegm and relieves irritation in the air passages. Average dose 30 grains.

Euphrasia Officinalis; Part used: The Plant
German, Augentrost. French, Euphrasie. Spanish, Eufrasia.
    An infusion of one part of this herb to six parts of water has been found to be very beneficial when applied to the eyes and eyelids in catarrhal and inflamed conditions of the eyes. Its action is soothing, healing and strenghtening. (For colored illustration see plate 5.)

Foeniculum Vulgare; Part used: The Seed
German, Fenchel. French, Fenouil. Spanish, Hinojo.
    In wind-colic and spasms in children, fennel tea (one teaspoonful of the seeds to a cup of water or milk) is one of the best and safest remedies. With the addition of honey or sugar made into a syrup it relieves coughs and colds.
    Fennel water, obtainable in the apothecary shops, is highly valued in Europe for tired, sore eyes. Fennel seeds should be at hand in every household. Average dose 15 to 30 grains.

Linum Usitatissimum; Part used: The Seed
German, Leinsanien. French, Grains de lin. Spanish, Lino.
    An infusion of these seeds is very useful in catarrhal conditions of the bronchial tubes and also of the urinary organs. In disorders of Kidneys and Bladder, it may be used freely; its action is very soothing and healing. The ground flaxseed mixed with hot water to make a stiff paste, makes an excellent emollient poultice for applications to local inflammations, boils and carbuncies. The whole seed is also occasionally given in tablespoonful doses as a mild laxative. Dose 60 to 120 grains. (For illustration see plate 5.)

Gentiana Lutea; Part used: The Root
German, Enzian. French, Gentiane. Spanish, Genciana
    A great and much valued European remedy in all cases where a stomach tonic is required. Incites the appetite, invigorates digestion, relieves gases and reduces excessive amounts of acid formed by a faulty digestion. The chewing of this root aids in overcoming the desire for the chewing and smoking of tobacco. Average dose 15 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 5.)

Zingiber Officinalis; Part used: The Root
German, Ingwer. French, Gingembre. Spanish, jengibre.
    This aromatic root acts as a stimulating tonic on the stomach, increasing the secretions of the gastric juices and dispelling gases from stomach and bowels. It is useful in cramps and pains; in looseness of the bowels, and in diarrhea and dysentery, it serves with excellent results, especially when combined with other astringents, such as Oak Bark, Alum Root, etc. Average dose 10grains.

Hydrastis Canadensis; Part used: The Root
German, Kanadische Gelbwurzel. French, Racine d'Hydrastis du Canada. Spanish, Hidrastis del Canada.
    The tonic properties of this root are remarkable and its healing and strengthening influence on the mucous membrane and muscular tissues make it a very valuable remedy in catarrhal conditions. It is, therefore, very valuable in catarrh of stomach and bowels. Externally it is used in catarrh of the head and throat, in gonorrhea and vaginal catarrh. The decoction can be used as an eyewash with good results. Its pain relieving and soothing properties also deserve mentioning. Average dose 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 4.)

Glechonia Hederacea; Part used: The Plant
German, Gundelrebe. French, Lierre terrestre. Spanish, Hiedra.
    This herb is especially useful in catarrhal conditions of the inner organs; Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, and the Urinary Tract. Dose 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate S.)

Viola Tricolor; Part used: The Herb
German, Stiefmfitterchen. French, Pens6e sauvage. Spanish, Pensamiento.
    The blood cleansing properties of this modest little plant is hardly excelled by any other. Especially in scrofula and skin eruptions in children good results are obtained. It is rich in mineral salts. It is an effective purgative and liver regulator. Average dose. 15-30 grains. (For colored illustrations see plate 1.)

Marubium Vulgare; Part used: The Herb
German, Weisser Andorn. French, Marrube blanc. Spanish, Marrubio.
    A valuable expectorant. It is used in affections of throat and lungs. Dose from 30-60 grains.

Equisetum Arvense; Part used: The Plant
German, Zinnkratit. F'rench, Pribe des champs. Spanish, Cola de caballo.
    Its excellent diuretic properties make this plant one of the most useful remedies in diseases of kidneys and bladder. Inflammation, spasms and catarrh of these organs are benefitted by its use. It is used in disorders of the. urinary tract, such as scanty, suppressed, frequent or bloody urination and in gravel and stones.
    Externally it is used with good results in the form of poultices and fomentations in swelling and inflammation. Average dose, 30-60 grains.

Juniperus Communis, Part used: The Berries
German, Wacholderbeeren. French, Baies de Genievre. Spanish, Bayas de Enebro.
    These berries are highly recommended in catarrhal conditions of the urinary organs, in rheumatism, gout and dropsy. In small doses they incite the appetite and aid the digestion, but in larger doses they act more on the kidneys and bladder. Dose 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 2.)

Polygonum Aviculare; Part used: The Plant
German, Kn6terich. French, Centinode. Spanish, Centinodia.
    This insignificant looking, plain, little plant possesses wonderful properties and is one of the most effective remedies in affections of the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. Its soothing and healing effect on these organs is remarkable; it relieves coughs, loosens the phlegm, allays irritation and tickling in the throat.
    It is also of great value in the treatment of gravel and stones of Kidneys and Bladder. Dose, 30-60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 5.)

Glycyrrhiza Glabra; Part used: The Root
German, Susshoiz. French, Reglisse. Spanish, Crozuz.
    A very useful expectorant. It is used in coughs and bronchial irritations. It is extensively used as a sweetening agent in dietdrinks and bitter medicines. It is also mildly laxative. Dose, 30 grains.

Pumonaria Officinalis; Part used: The Herb
German, Lungenkraut. French, Pulmonaire. Spanish, Pulmonaria.
    As its name indicates it has been found valuable in the treatment of affections of the lungs and air passages. It relieves inflamed conditions and is used in coughs and colds. Dose, 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 2.)

Malva Sylvestris; art used: The Leaves
German, Malva. French, Mauve. Spanish, Malva real.
    Useful in coughs and colds and obstruction by phlegm of the air passages.  It is also used externally in the form of poultices and fomentations for the relief of inflammation and pain. They are very healing and soothing when applied to open sores and ulcers. Dose 30 grains.

Podophyllum Peltatum; Part used: The Root
German, Podophyll Wurzel. French, Rhizone de. Podophylium. Spanish, Podofilo.
    For liver and bowel complaints this American root is equal, if not superior, to all high priced foreign products. It is a valuable aid in biliousness, constipation and other disturbances due to a lazy action of liver and bowels. Its eliminative properties make it also very effective in rheumatism and other diseases due to an accumulation of waste products in the system. As an expeller of intestinal worms, it is also highly recommended. Dose 10 to 30 grains.

Althea Officinalis; Part used: The Root
German, Eibisch Wurzel. French, Racine de Guimauve. Spanish, Raiz de Malvavisco.
    A valuable demulcent. It is used in inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane. Recommended in coughs and complaints of. the bronchial tubes and in disorders of the Kidneys and Bladder. Dose 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 4.)

Ilex Paraguayensis
From this South American plant, a delightfully refreshing drink is made. which is justly called "South America's National Beverage". Its stimulating and invigorating effect on the body, and its quieting and strengthening effect on the nervous system make it the ideal substitute for ordinary Tea or Coffee. On account of its low tannin contents, which amounts to only one to two percent, it is not constipating like ordinary Tea with its 13% - 18% of Tannin. (Tannin is very constipating). Its richness in natural mineral salts, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Silica, Phosphates and also in vitamins adds greatly to its usefulness as a beverage.
    It is prepared like ordinary tea-about a teaspoonful to a cup, of boiling water. Sugar, honey, cream and lemon may be added to suit taste. When iced it makes a refreshing Summer-drink.

Viscum Album; Part used: The Plant
German, Mistel. French, Gui de ch6ne. Spanish, Muerdago.
    This plant has proved of service in high blood pressure and in the stoppage of excessive menstrual flow. It tends to relieve spasms and pains encountered during the menstrual period. Dose 15 to 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Verbascum Thapsus; Part used: The Leaves; The Flowers
German, Wollkraut. French, Bouillon blanc. Spanish, Gordolobo.
    The leaves and the flowers are used in pectoral complaints.  They possess emollient, demulcent and slightly anodyne properties. Used in coughs and catarrhal conditions of the throat and lungs. Dose 30 to 60 grains.

Cypripedium Pubescens; Part used: The Root
German, Frauenschuh Wurzel. French, Cypripede jaune.
    The good results obtained from this root in nervous disorders gave it its name "nerve root". It is used in nervous headaches, nervous irritability, hysteria, spasms and other disturbances of the nervous system. Dose 15 grains.

Quercus Rubra
German, Eichenrinde. French, Ecorce de Chene. Spanish, Encina Roble.
    The bark of the red oak and the white oak (Quercus Alba) are both used medicinally. Their properties are the same and therefore both can be used for the same purpose. Oak bark possesses strong astringent and antiseptic properties. Internally it is used in diarrhea and'to stop mucous discharges and bleeding. Externally, in the form of a decoction, it is used as a gargle for sore throat and as an injection for leucorrhea and hemorrhoids. Poultices of the ground bark are used with good results in ulcers and badly healing sores.
    The acorns of the Oak are roasted like coffee and are used instead of coffee or tea, especially by those who suffer from looseness of the bowels. Dose of the bark 15 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

Avena Sativa; Part used: The Straw
German, Haferstroh. French, Avoine. Spanish, Avena.
    In recent years it is extensively used to supply the element Silicon to the body, in which it is very rich and which it contains
in a very assismilable form. Silicon is the substance necessary to build the outer layer of the skin, the hair, the finger nails, etc. Its lack in the system often causes unsightly diseases, such as, splitting, deformed finger nail, skin diseases, etc.
    The use of the seeds as a food of great value, is too well known to need mentioning here. The dos@ of Oat Straw is from 30 to 60 grains.

Berberis Aquifolium; Part used: The Root
German, Berberitze, Sauerdorn. French, Vinettier. Spanish, Berbero.
    An old Indian remedy of great merit. Very valuable in jaundice, sluggishness of the liver and bowels, and rheumatic conditions. Increases the power of the digestive organs and aids the assimilation of food. Its blood cleansing properties make it also a much used remedy in skin diseases, scrofula, pimples and boils. Dose 30 grains.

Hedeoma Pulegioides; Part used: The Herb
German, Polei (amerikanischer.) French, Poulist Americaine.
    A gentle, aromatic stimulant used especially in flatulent colic and stomach disorders due to fermentation of the food. It stimulates the menstrual flow and tends to relieve cramps due to suppressed menstruation. A warm infusion produces sweating and has been found of good service in colds. Average dose 60 grains.

Mentha Piperita; Part used: The Leaves
German, Pfefferminze. French, Menthe poivr6e. Spanish, Menta piperita.
    The strengthening and refreshing effect that this herb has on the digestive organs is well recognized. Taken in the form of an infusion, it aids the digestion, relieves gas and spasms. Its beneficial influence on the nervous system and heart also deserves mentioning. Dose 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 4.)

Spigelia Marilandica
German, Wurmgrass Wurzel. French, Spig6lie. anthelminthique.
    An excellent worm expeller. Removes stomach and intestinal worms quickly, but is best used in combination with cathartics when correctly dosed. In overdoses it may cause unpleasant contributory symptoms. The. dose for a child is 10 to 20 grains and for an adult from one to two drachms, either in powder form or as a tea. Dose 60 to 120 grains.

Plantago Lanceolata; Part used: The Leaves
German, Wegerich. French, Plantain lanceole. Spanish, Llanten.
    A valuable expectorant, relieves coughs, bronchitis, hoarseness and loosens catarrhal obstructions from bronchial tubes and lungs. It is also used externally as a poultice on old, badly healing ulcers and sores, inflamed eyes and muscles. Averagc dose 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 5)

Asclepias Tuberosa
German, Schwalben Wurzel. French, Racine d'Asclepiade tubereuse.
    As its name indicates it is a very valuable remedy for pleurisy, catarrhal affections of the lungs and throat, and spasmodic coughs. It is also a mild laxative and has a very beneficial effect on some forms of indigestion. Dose from 20-30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Phytolacca Decandra
German, Kerineswtirzel. Fretich, Racine de Phytolaquc.
    This root lias a very favorable influence on the glandular system, inciting and increasing its action. Regulates liver and bowels and cleans the blood. It is therefore, highly valued in rheumatic conditions and affections of the skin, due to impurities in the blood. The average dose is from 1 to 5 grains. In large doses it acts as an emetic. (As an emetic the average dose is from 10 to 30 grains). (For colored illustration see plate 3.)

Punica Granatum; Part used: The Bark of the Root
German, Granat Rinde. French, Ecorce de Granadier. Spanish, Corteza de Granada.
    The astringent properties of this bark make it a valuable remedy in looseness of the bowels, diarrhea and dysentery. Its greatest usefulness, however, is in the expulsion of tape worms, where, it acts very reliably if used properly. Two ounces of the bark to about a pint of water are boiled slowly for about half an hour and strained while still warm.  This decoction is taken in 3 divided doses at liour intervals, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. It should be followed by a laxative. In stubborn cases, it may be necessary to repeat the treatment for a few days.

PRINCESS PINE (Pipsissewa)
Chimaphila Umbellata; Part used: The Leaves
German, Harnkraut. French, Pyrole ombellee.
    These leaves are extensively used in disorders of the urinary organs; especially, to relieve irritation and catarrhal conditions of kidneys and bladder, for the reduction of uric acid and against deposits of stones and gravel. Dose 30 grains.

Plantago Psyllium
    On account of the excellent results obtained with these seeds in Constipation, the demand for this valuable medicine has increased immensely of late.
    The seeds are primarily used as an intestinal lubricant for the relief of habitual constipation and to promote a free and regular bowel movement. The mechanical action in the Stomach, due to the swelling of the seeds, facilitates food trituration and promotes the free flow of gastric juice. In the intestines the movement and passage of the contents are facilitated by the lubrication of the walls, the soft consistency that the seeds create and the added bulk that they give. Psyllium Seeds also have been found very useful as a demulcent to soothe, soften and protect the mucous .nembrane in various affections, such as, Sore Throat, Ulcers of the Stomach, Diarrhea, Dysentery, rectal congestion and Hemorrhoids. Dose, one to two teaspoonfuls at each meal. More or less as needed.

Rheum Officinalis; Part used: The Root
German, Rhabarber. French, Rhubarbe. Spanish, Ruibarbo.
    Rhubarb is a very valuable remedy. It incites the activity of stomach, liver and bowels by increasing the flow of the digestive juices. In small doses it makes an excellent stomachic tonic and in larger doses acts as a laxative. Its combined properties as laxative and astringent are taken advantage of in iarr ea, emorrhoids, and chronic dysentery. It is generally combined with other laxatives, which renders it more effective. The powder is often applied to indolent ulcers. The average dose as a stomachic and laxative is from 5 to 10 grains. The average dose as a cathartic is from 20 to 30 grains. (For colored illustration see. plate 3.)

Rosmarinus Officinalis; Part used: The Leaves
German, Rosmarin. French, Rosmarin. Spanish, Romero.
    These spicy aromatic leaves are used for stomach and heart. They aid the digestion, increase the appetite and check fermentation. Its heart stimulating properties make it a valuable remedy in weak heart and in dropsical conditions due to it. Average dose 30 grains.

Ruta Graveolens; Part used; The Herb
German, Raute. French, Rue. Spanish, Ruda.
    Rue is an antispasmodic and stimulant. Tends to relieve gas and cramps due to nervous indigestion. It is very useful in nervous disturbances due to female irregularities. It should not be taken by pregnant women. Dose 10 to 20 grains.

Salvia Officinalis; Part used: The Leaves
German, Salbei. French, Sauge. Spanish, Salvia.
    A reliable expectorant and very useful remedy for gases in stomach and bowels. Especially valuable in the removal of slime from stomach, bronchial tubes and lungs. For the prevention of those exhausting night sweats, there is no better remedy than a cup of the infusion of sage before retiring. The decoction used as a gargle and mouth wash gives quick relief from inflammation, soreness and ulceration of throat and mouth. Dose 15 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see. plate 6.)

Saniculum Europaea; Part used: The Plant
German, Sanicle, French, Sanicle. Spanish Sanicul.
    Used in Europe to a great extent to arrest internal bleeding from ilungs, Throat, Stomach and Bowels. The decoction is used as a mouth wash and gives excellent results in sore., spongy, bleeding gums and in inflamed conditions of the mucous membrane of mouth and throat. Used externally by applying it to wounds, cuts, bruises, open sores, etc., it discloses its great cleansing and healing properties. Dose internally from 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

Smilax Officinalis; Part used: The Root
German, Sarsaparilla. French, Salseparcille. Spanish, Zarzaparilla.
    This root has a great reputation as a blood purifier. In diseases of the skin, rheumatic afflictions, scrofula and other diseases due to impurities in the system, it can be used with good results. Dose 30 to 60 grains.

Sassafras Officinale; Part used: The Bark of the Root
German, Sassafrasrinde. French, Ecorce de Sassafras. Spanish, Sasafras.
    The bark of the root should be used. Its properties are alterative, diaphoretic and stimulant. It is used to purify the blood, in skin diseases, and rheumatism. The infusion is also used both internally and externally for poison ivy and poison oak. Sassafras tea is a very popular spring tonic. Dose 30 to 60 grains.

Ciassia Angustifolia; Part used: The Leaves
German, Sassafrasrinde. French, Ecorce de Sassafras. Spanish, Sas
    A mild and safe remedy for the regulation of the bowels.  The leaves, however, should not be cooked but only steeped, otherwise they may cause griping. By combining them with other mild cathartics and carminatives, the griping effect can, however, be modified or entirely eliminated. Dose 30 grains.

Capsella Bursa Pastoris; Part used: The Herb
German, Hirtentiischel. French, Bourse a pasteur. Spanish, Bolso de pastor.
    This insignificant looking little plant, that grows so plentifully all around us and almost everywhere, has, just the same, very valuable properties. Its decoction is used to arrest bleeding of all kinds, hemorrhages of the lungs, stomach and bowels. It is also extensively used for excessive menstrual flow. Dose 15 to 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

Scutelaria Laterifolia; Part used: The Herb
German, Helmkraut. French, Scutellaire.
    This herb has a very beneficial influence on the nervous system, soothing and strengthening it. It is especially recommended in restlessness, nervous irritability, wakefulness, nervous weakness, convulsions and fits. Dose 15 grains.

Ulmus Fulva; Part used: The Inner Bark
German, Ulmenrinde. French, Ecorce d'Orme (fauve).
    A splendid remedy for the relief of inflamed conditions of stomach and bowels. Very beneficial in diarrhea and dysentery. It is a mild and harmless laxative for children, operating without pain. The powdered bark, is an excellent emollient poultice, relieving pain and inflammation, and suppurating boils and ulcers and tumors; very healing in fresh wounds, bruises, burns and swelling. The addition of equal parts of powdered Fenugreek adds greatly to the efficacy of the poultice. Dose, 60 grains.

Veronica Officinalis; Part used: The Herb
German, Ehrenpreis. French, Veronique. Spanish, Veronica.
    This herb is used in Europe in pectoral, nephritic, and cutaneous affections. It cleans the blood and tones the sysieln. Dose 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 3.)

Hypericum Perforatum; Part used: The Herb
German, Johanniskraut. French, Millepertuis. Spanisli, Corazoncillo.
    This herb exerts a very beneficial influence oil the iiervous system, urinary organs and liver. It is especially highly recommended in the. bed wetting of children and weakness of the bladder. Dose, 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Fragaria Vesca; Part used: The Leaves
German, Erdbeere. French, Fraisier. Spanish, Fresera.
    The,se leaves make a very invigorating and blood cleansing drink. They are well suited to replace coffee and ordinary tea, because they do not irritate the nervous system like coffee or tea. They can be. used freely and continuously. They aid in alkalinizing the system. Dose, 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 3.)

Acorus Calamus; Part used: The Root
German, Kalmus. French, Acore Odorant. Spanish, Calamo aromatico.
    A well known stomachic; strengthens the digestive organs, increases the. appetite, aids the digestion and prevents the formation of gas and acid in stomach and bowels. Its mild and sure action make it one of the best liked stomach remedies. Externally it is used for applications to boils, indolent ulcers and open sores. Dose, 15 to 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

TILIA (Linden)
Tilia Europaea; Part used: The Flowers
German, Lindenbliiten. French, Tilleul. Spanish, Tilo.
    These sweet, honey scented flowers are excellent in loosening the phlegm from bronchial tubes and stomach. They tend to quiet the nerves, relieve cramps. The warm infusion acts as a mild diaphoretic. They are used extensively in colds and coughs. In many parts of Europe they are used in the place of ordinary tea. They make a palatable after meal beverage with the added advantage of having a soothing effect upon the nerves and aiding digestion. Dose 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 1.)

Potentilla Tormentilla; Part used: The Root
German, Tormentil. French, Tormentille. Spanish, Tormentila.
    The powerful astringent properties of this root make it a very valuable remedy in Diarrhea, Dysentary, Internal Hemorrhages, etc. As a douche in the form of a decoction, it may be used with good results in Leucorrhea, Gonorrliea and Vaginal Catarrh, and also as a mouthwash and gargle. in inflammation Dose internally, from 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi; Part used: The Leaves
German, Birentraubenbliitter. French, Bousserole. Spanish, Gayuba.
    These leaves posses very valuable properties in the treatment of complaints of the urinary tract. Reputed efficacious as a solvent for stones in kidneys and bladder and as an eliminant of uric acid from the blood. It is also used in rheumatism and other diseases due to an accumulation of acids and waste products in the system. Also extensively used in catarrhal conditions, acute Bright's disease, leucorrhea and gonorrhea. Dose 20 to 60 grains.

Valeriana Officinalis; Part used: The Root
German, Baldrian. French, Racine de Val6riane. Spanish, Valeriana.
    A very valuable remedy for nervous disorders. If is extensively used in stomach troubles, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, hysteria, headaches, nervous irritability and other disturbances due to nervousness. Dose. 10 to 15 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 4.)

Viola Odorata; Part used: The Leaves
German, Veilchen. French, Vilette. Spanish, Violeta.
    This well known tiny plant is valued greatly for its blood cleansing properties, and in this respect it is hardly surpassed by any other plant. Even if the pollution of the blood has gone quite far, the cleansing effect of its leaves can be noticed quite plainly by its action of loosening mucous obstruction in the inner organs, by its aid in the creation of better blood and by its aid in improving the resistance of the body. Dose, 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 2.)

Verbena Hastata; Part used: The Herb
German, Eisenkraut. French, Verveine. Spanish, Verbena.
    Very useful in colds and coughs. The hot infusion produces sweating and reduces fever. In complaints of the liver and in indigestion it can be used with good results; also in suppressed menstruation and epileptic attacks it is said to have no equal. The infusion used externally in the form of compresses, is said to be an effective antidote for poisoning from Poison Oak and Poison Ivy. It is one of the most useful simple plants of the herbal kingdom. Dose, 15 to 30 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 3.)

Evonymus Atropurpureus; Part used: The Bark of the Root
German, Spindelbaumrinde. French, Ecorce d'Evonymus.
    This is a great Indian remedy. It stimulates the action of stomach, liver and bowels; causes a better flow of the bile, regulates the bowels in a mild but effective way, causing copious stools without pain. In larger doses it is claimed to be very effective in dropsical conditions. Dose, 5 to 8 grains.

Nasturtium Officinale; Part used: The Herb
German, Brunnenkresse. French, Cresson de fontaine. Spanish, Berro.
    This plant is rich in iron and other valuable mineral elements. Its blood purifying and system cleansing properties cause it to be used extensively as a blood purifier. The green herb is eaten as a salad while in the dried form it is prepared as a tea. Dose, 60 grains.

Polygonum Punctatum; Part used: The Herb
German, Americanische Natterwurz. Spanish, Chilillo.
    Reputed efficacious in disorders of the urinary organs. Highly recommended for the removal of gravel or stones in bladder; suppression of urine and irritation caused by increased uric acid. Dose, 15 grains.

Asperula Odorata; Part used: The Herb
German, Waidmeister. French, Asperule. Spanish, Enebro.
    This tasty, aromatic little plant is used extensively in Europe in the spring time to make refreshing drinks that stimulate the
action of the digestive organs and improve the quality of the blood. Wine or cider is generally used for the extraction, and fresh fruit, such as oranges, berries are often added. Dose, 60 grains.

Artemisia Absinthium; Part used: The Herb
German, Wermuth. French, Absinthe. Spanish, Ajenio.
    Whenever the digestive organs are in a debilitated condition and the liver is sluggish, this herb has no equal in its prompt and reliable action. It promotes the flow of bile in jaundice and other liver complaints. In fever and diarrhea it also gives excellent results. Its reliable action in worms of stomach and bowels, gave it its name, but as its action is powerful, it should, however, be correctly dosed. Externally it is used as a poultice for swellings, inflammation, bruises and sprains. Dose, 15 to 20 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 6.)

Achillea Millefolium; Part used: The Herb
German, Schafgarbe. French, Milfoil. Spanish, Milefolio.
    A very useful remedy in menstrual irregularities and hemorrhoids. In catarrhal conditions of the stomach and sluggishness of the liver it can be used with good results. Its quieting and soothing effect in nervous conditions of the heart also deserve mentioning. Dose, 30 to 60 grains. (For colored illustration see plate 4.)

Rumex Crispus; Part used: The Root
German, Ampferkraut. French, Rumex. Spanish.
    The blood cleansing properties of this root, make it an outstanding remedy in all diseases due to impurities in the blood. It is therefore, especially valuable in skin eruptions, eczema, pimples, boils, rheumatic and scrofulous conditions. Its richness in organic iron also improves and enriches the quality of the blood. Dose, 60 grains.

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