A Manual of Materia Medica
and Pharmacology
by David M. R. Culbreth, Ph.G., M.D. (1927)
Ulmus fulva
Ulmus fulva, Michaux. The dried
inner bark.
Habitat. N. America, New England, S.
Carolina, west to Louisiana, Nebraska.
Syn. Elm Bark, Slippery Elm, Moose-,
Red-, Indian-, Sweet-, Rock or American Elm, British Tea (the leaves),
Cortex Ulmi Interior; Fr. Ecorce d'Orme (fauve); Ger. Ulmenrinde,
Ul'mus. L. See etymology, page 163,
of Ulmaceae.
Ful'va. L. fulvus, deep yellow, tawny
-- i.e., the color of the liber bark.
PLANT. -- Large tree, 15-18 M (50-60 degrees) high,
.3-.6 degrees) (1-2 degrees) thick; bark and wood reddish-brown, branches
rough, whitish; leaves large 10-20 Cm. (4-8') long, 5-7.5 Cm. (2-3') broad,
oblong, acuminate, unequal at subcordate base, unequally serrate, pubescent;
rough on both sides, petiolate, buds covered with dense russet down; flowers
April, small appearing before leaves, sessile, in clusters, calyx downy,
corolla wanting; fruit samara, 12-18 Mm. (1/2-3/4') long, flat, broadly
oblong, entire, notched, 1-celled, wing yellow, silky with short fulvous
hairs. BARK, usually broad, flat, oblong pieces, 1-4 Mm. (1/25-1/6')
thick; outer surface pale brown, roughened by longitudinal striae and partially
detached bundles of bast-fibers, occasionally patches of thin dark brown
cork; inner surface light yellowish-brown, finely striate; fracture fibrous,
projections of fine bast bundles; odor distinctive; taste mucilaginous.
POWDER, light brown (fawn)--numerous bast-fibers, calcium oxalate prisms,
starch grains, .003-.015 Mm. (1/8325-1/1665') broad, numerous mucilage
fragments, cork cells few or absent. Test: 1. Macerate for 1 hour
1 Gm. in water 40 cc.--light brown mixture of thick mucilaginous consistence.
Dose, 3ij-4 (8-15 Gm.).
ADULTERATIONS. -- BARK: Barks that are more brittle,
less fibrous and mucilaginous; POWDER: Corn meal, flour, starches.
Commercial: -- Tree flourishes in open high
places, firm dry soil, being distinguished from U. americana by character
of branches (rougher), leaves, buds, flowers, seed. Bark should be
collected in spring, deprived of epidermis, and dried, for which trees
are felled in Michigan and other Western States, peeled and wood burnt
or allowed to decay.
CONSTITUENTS: -- Mucilage, starch and tannin (slight),
ash 8-10 p.c.; European bark also contains tannin (considerable) and bitter
principle, but no starch.
Mucilage. -- Resembles that of flaxseed --
precipitated by lead acetate, but alcohol separates from its solution a
gelatinous liquid.
PREPARATIONS. -- 1. Trochisci Ulmi, N.F., gr, .3
(.18 Gm.). Mucilage, 6 p.c. (if to be free from starch must use cold
water); dose, ad libitum. Poultice. Uterine tents.
PROPERTIES. -- Demulcent, emollient, nutritive.
USES. -- Dysentery, diarrhea, diseases of urinary
passages, bronchitis. Externally -- finely ground or powdered bark
mixed with hot water into pasty mass and used as a poultice for inflammations,
boils, etc.; in shape of tents to dilate fistulae, strictures, os uteri,
also in form of vaginal and rectal suppositories.
Allied Plants:
1. Ulmus campes'tris. -- Europe.
Bark thinner than official, cinnamon color, mucilaginous, bitterish, astringent.
U. effu'sa, Black Elm, bark very similar; U. america'na, White Elm, New
England, chiefly shade tree; U. ala'ta, Wahoo, S. United States.
Bark used in making ropes.
Umbellula'ria califor'nica, California Bay Laurel
or Spice Tree.--Wood brownish, close-grained, esteemed for cabinet-work;
leaves yield volatile oil 4 p.c., with nutmeg and cardamom odor; seed contain
a fat; stimulant, anodyne in diarrhea, neuralgia, headache.
Urti'ca dioi'ca, Nettle (Stinging Nettle).
-- Urticaceae; N. America, Europe. Plant .6-1 M. (2-3 degrees) high,
very bristly, stinging, leaves ovate, heart-shaped, pointed, serrate, downy
beneath, upper stem downy, spike much branched. Tonic, astringent,
uterine hemorrhage. Dose, gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.).
Ustila'go May'dis, Corn Smut. -- The fungous
growth upon Zea Mays, U.S.P. 1880, United States, etc. The fungus
is abundant upon stem, grains, and tassel; in irregular, globose masses
10-15 Cm. (4-6') broad, consisting of a blackish, gelatinous membrane enclosing
many blackish, globular, nodular spores; odor and taste disagreeable.
Should be kept dry and not longer than one year; contains fixed oil 2.5
p.c., scleroic acid, crystalline principle (ustilagine) and alkaloid (secaline),
volatile base, sugar, mucilage, ash 5 p.c. Emmenagogue, parturient,
increases uterine pains during labor, like ergot. Dose, gr. 15-30
(1-2 Gm.).