A Manual of Materia Medica
and Pharmacology
by David M. R. Culbreth, Ph.G., M.D. (1927)
Magno'lia virginia'na (glau'ca), M. Acumina'ta
and M. Tripet'ala. -- Magnoliaceae. The bark, U.S.P. 1820-1880;
United States; trees 6-28 M. (20-90 degrees) high; flowers white, fragrant;
fruit cones; bark in thin quills or curved pieces, orange-brown, glossy,
warty, fissured, astringent, bitter; contains volatile oil, resin, magnolin,
tannin. Used for malaria, rheumatism, gout, intermittents, catarrhs;
in decoction, infusion, tincture. Dose, 3ss-1 (2-4 Gm.).
Mallotus philippinensis
Mallo'tus philippinen'sis, Kamala, Rottlera.
-- The glands and hairs from the capsules, U.S.P. 1860-1890; Philippine
Islands, India, China. Small tree, 6 M. (20 degrees) high; bark pale,
branches with ferruginous tomentum; leaves 7.5-15 Cm. (3-6') long, petiolate,
ovate, entire, coriaceous, glabrous, under side rusty; flowers dioecious,
tomentous; fruit tricoccous, globular capsule, size of small cherry, externally
3-furrowed, covered with red powder. Glands and hairs (kamala) glandular,
mobile, brick-red powder, inodorous, nearly tasteless; under microscope
as stellately arranged colorless hairs mixed with depressed globular glands,
containing numerous red club-shaped vesicles; burns like lycopodium, and
ash should not be more than 4-8 p.c. Capsules when collected are
rolled about in baskets, and rubbed with hands to remove glands and hairs,
which in turn, passing through the meshes, are caught upon cloths; contain
resins (2 -- rottlerin, isorottlerin) 80 p.c., wax, coloring matter, albuminous
matter 7 p.c., cellulose 7 p.c., ash 4 p.c. Tenifuge (anthelmintic,
purgative); tape-worm, sometimes for the round- and seat-rowms; also externally
in scabies, skin affections, herpetic ringworm. Next to male-fern
for tenia, being better than kousso or turpentine. Adulterations:
Wurrus, resins, etc., used not only as vermifuge, but in skin affections
and as dyes; also many fruits -- Soria, Satze (Tatze), Embelia, and the
bark of Albiz'zia (Acacia) anthelmin'tica (Messena, Mussena, Busenna --
Abyssinian names for acacia bark) is employed as tenifuges in India and
Abyssinia; also powdered leaves, fruit-stalks, colored starch, earth, sand,
in all sometimes 60 p.c. -- increasing ash 65-75 p.c. Dose, 3j-2
(4-8 Gm.); fluidextract, 3j-2 (4-8 cc.); tincture, 30 p.c. (alcoholic),
3j-4 (4-15 cc.); electuary; syrup; mucilage.
Ma'lus (Pyrus) Malus, Apple; Succus Pomorum, Fresh
Apple Juice, N.F. -- The freshly expressed juice of sound, ripe, sour
apples, the fruit of cultivated varieties. Plant resembles quince;
fruit edible, laxative; bark tonic, febrifuge. Dose, gr 15-60 (1-4
Gm.); 1. Extractum Ferri Pomatum, 100 p.c. dose, gr. 10-30 (.6-2 Gm.):
Prep.: 1. Tinctura Ferri Pomata, 10 p.c., dose, 3j-2 (4-8 cc.).
Mal'va sylves'tris and M. Rotundifo'lia, Malvae
Folia, (High and Low) Mallow Leaves, N.F. -- The dried leaves with
not more than 10 p.c. of other parts of the plants, nor 5 p.c. of foreign
organic matter; Europe, Asia, cultivated in United States. Biennials
-- former erect, 1 M. (3 degrees) high, latter procumbent, spreading; flowers
reddish-purple bluish; with ammonia -- green, with acids -- red.
Leaves (M. Sylvestris), orbicular, reniform, cordate, 10-11 Cm.
(4-4 2/5') long, 15-20 Cm. (6-8') broad, 3-7-lobed, petioles
up to 10 Cm. (4') in length, palmate, crenate-dentate, pubescent;
(M. Rotundifolia), orbicular, up to 8 Cm. (3 1/5') broad, cordate, 5-7-lobed,
palmate, teeth blunt, less pubescent, petioles up to 20 Cm. (8') in length;
inodorous, taste bland, mucilaginous -- on chewing. Powder, light
green -- non-glandular hairs, stomata, pith and spongy parenchyma, stem
fibers, tracheae, mucilage cells, calcium oxalate rosette crystals; solvent:
water; contains mucilage, pectin, tannin, ash 16 p.c. Demulcent,
emollient; dysentery, catarrh, kidney troubles. Dose, 3ss-1 (2-4
Gm.); 1. Species Emollientes, 20 p.c. Abu'tilon and Hibis'cus species possess
similar medicinal properties and may be used satisfactorily one for the
Mandrag'ora officina'lis (Atropa mandragora),
together with var. autumna'lis, having blue flowers, and var. verna'lis,
white flowers; S. Europe -- all are acaulescent plants, having constituents
similar to those of belladonna.
Marru'bium vulga're, (White, Common) Horehound.
-- The dried leaves and flowering toops, U.S.P. 1820-1900; Europe, C. Asia,
N. America, cultivated in waste places, gardens, etc. Perennial herb
.3-.6 M. (1-2 degrees) high, with short rootstock; stems numerous, annual,
branched below, quadrangular, tomentose, woolly; leaves 1.5-5 Cm. (3/5-2')
long, opposite, petiolate, roundish-ovate, obtuse, coarsely crenate, strongly
rugose-veined, white-hairy; flowers whitish, in dense, axillary whorls,
calyx 10-toothed, divisions slightly unequal, erect-spreading, pungent;
corolla small, bilabiate, 4 included stamens; fruit of 4 ovoid, obtuse,
nearly smooth nutlets, 1.5 Mm. (1/16') long; odor distinct, agreeable;
taste aromatic, bitter; solvents: diluted alcohol, boiling water; contains
volatile oil, marrubiin (bitter amaroid), C21H25O4,
.02-4 p.c., resin, tannin, gum, albumin, salts. Stimulant, tonic,
bitter stomachic, expectorant, resolvent, anthelmintic (large doses --
diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative); dyspepsia, bronchitis, chronic hepatitis,
jaundice, amenorrhea, phthisis, cachexia, catarrh, chronic rheumatism,
intermittents. Dose, 3ss-1(2-4 Gm.); extract, gr. 5-10 (.3-.6 Gm.);
fluidextract, 3ss-1 (2-4 cc.); infusion (sweetened and flavored to liking),
5 p.c. 3j-2 (30-60 cc.); juice (Succus Marrubii), 3j-2 (4-8 cc.), in honey
or milk; owing to bitterness, the lozenge (cough drop) is the most popular
form for administration.
Marsde'nia (Gonol'obus) Conduran'go, Condurango,
N.F. -- The dried bark with not more than 2 p.c. of wood or other foreign
organic matter; Ecuador. Climbing vine, 3-9 M. (10-30 degrees) high.
Bark (stem) in quills, curved pieces, 4-13.5 Cm. (1 3/5-5 2/5') long, 1-6
Mm. (1/25-1/4') thick, grayish-brown, nearly smooth, numerous lenticels,
or scaly and rough, occasionally with whitish lichens; inner surface grayish-white,
striate; fracture short-fibrous, granular; odor slightly aromatic (fresh);
taste bitter, aromatic. Powder, yellowish-brown -- stone cells, parenchyma
with calcium oxalate crystals, rosettes, prisms and starch grains; bast-fibers
non-lignified, latex tubes with a granular substance, grayish-yellow cork;
solvent: diluted alcohol; contains condurangin (bitter glucoside), alkaloid
(strychnine-like action), conduransterin, resin, starch, sugar, tannin
12.6 p.c., crystalline acid, wax, ash 12 p.c. Alterative, stomachic,
tonic; cancer, syphilis, rheumatism; may occasion nausea, vomiting, convulsions,
paralysis. Dose, 3ss-1 (2-4 Gm.); 1. Fluidextractum Condurango (diluted
alcohol), dose 3ss-1 (2-4 cc.). Infusion, Wine.
Matrica'ria Chamomil'la, Matricaria, German Chamomile,
N.F. -- The dried flower-head with not more than 5 p.c. of stems or
other foreign organic matter, yielding not more than 4 p.c. of acid-insoluble
ash; Europe, W. Asia, cultivated in United States. Annual herb .3-.6
M. (1-2 degrees) high, branched, smooth, solid, striate, greenish; leaves
5 Cm. (2') long, bi-, tri-pinnate, green, smooth; leaflets linear, small.
Flower-heads, May-Aug., few white ray-florets and numerous yellow disk-florets
on conical hollow receptacles, 3-10 Mm. (1/8-2/5') broad; disk-florets
tubular, perfect, without pappus; ray-florets 10-20, pistillate, corolla
white, 3-toothed, 4-veined, usually reflexed, involucre 20-30 pubescent
scales; peduncles greenish, furrowed, twisted; achenes 3-5-ribbed; pappus
none; odor pleasant, aromatic; taste aromatic, bitter -- should be preserved
in tightly-closed containers. Powder, yellowish-brown -- many spinose
pollen grains with 3 pores, fragments of ray-florets, glandular hairs,
achene tissue with markings, parenchyma with calcium oxalate rosette aggregates,
anthers, stigmas, vascular bundle with tracheae, involucral scales bearing
porous fibers, tracheae and elliptical stomata; solvents: boiling water,
alcohol; contains volatile oil .25 p.c., anthemic acid, anthemidin, tannin,
ash 13 p.c. Stimulant (volatile oil), tonic (anthemic acid), carminative,
diaphoretic, nervine, emmenagogue; aid to digestion in convalescence, general
debility, intermittents, delirium tremens, flatulent-colic -- externally:
local pains, colic, toothache, earache, abscesses, sprains, rheumatism.
Dose, gr.15-60 1-4 Gm.); 1. Species Emollientes, 20 p.c. Infusion,
5 p.c.; when cold -- tonic, when warm -- emetic, dose, ad libitum.
Oleum Chamomillae Infusum (flowers 10, olive oil 100, digested 2 hours)
-- locally. Syrup (flowers 3, water for infusion 10, sucrose 18).
Oleum Cajuputi. Oil of Cajuput, U.S.P.
Melaleuca Leucadendron, Linne' var.
Cajeputi, var. minor, +. The volatile oil distilled from the
fresh leaves and twigs, and rectified by steam (distillation.)
Habitat. E. India Islands, Celebes,
Bouro, Amboyna, Moluccas, Philippines, Cochin China, Australia.
Syn. Kayu-putu, White Tree (Wood),
Pepperbark; Ol. Cajup., Cajuput Oil, Oil of Cajeput, Oleum Cajeputi;
Fr. Huile (Essence) de Cajeput; Ger. Cajeput ol.
Mel-a-leu'ca. L. fr. Gr...., black
+ ..., white, -- i.e., bark of the trunk is blackish, that of the
branches is whitish.
Leu-ca-den'dron. L. fr. Gr...., white,
+ ..., a tree -- i.e., general appearance of the tree.
Caj-e-pu'ti (better Caj-u-pu'ti).
L. fr. Malay, kayu, tree, + putih, white -- i.e., appearance of the
Mi'hor. L. Minor, minus, less, smaller
-- i.e., plant smaller than other species, also smaller flower-heads and
PLANTS. -- Small trees, 9-12 M. (30-40 degrees)
high; bark gray, brittle, splitting into thin layers; leaves 5-10 Cm. (2-4')
long, blade twisted, lanceolate; flowers 5-7.5 Cm. (2-3') long, greenish
to whitish, silky, pubescent, spikes; fruit woody, hard, sessile, dehiscing
into 3 valves.
CONSTITUENTS. -- Volatile oil, mucilage, pectin.
Oleum Cajuputi. Oil of Cajuput. --
This oil, obtained by water or steam distillation, is a colorless, yellowish
(greenish -- usually due to copper) liquid, peculiar, agreeable, distinctly
camphoraceous (cineol) odor, aromatic, slightly bitter taste, soluble in
1 vol. of 80 p.c. alcohol, sp. gr. 0.918, levorotatory; contains 50-67
p.c. of cineol (cajuputol, eucalyptol), C10H18O,
also the alcohol terpineol, C10H17OH, several terpenes
-- l-pinene, etc., valeric and benzoic aldehydes, which upon oxidation
impart acid reaction. It is imported mostly from Celebes (macassar),
Bouro (islands), some from Singapore, Java, Manila, in emptied beer and
wine bottles, 25-packed in a crate, or in copper cans (rare). Should
be kept cool, dark, in well-stoppered, amber-colored bottles. Dose,
mij-10 (.13-.6 cc.), emulsion, pill, on sugar; externally in liniments.
ADULTERATIONS. -- Copper from shipping cans (rare),
many cheaper oils, as camphor, rosemary, turpentine (French turpentine,
owing to its l-pinene, being difficult to detect), also these sometimes
colored with resin of milfoil, all rendering action with iodine more violent.
PREPARATION. -- (Unoff.): Spiritus Cajuputi (Br.),
10 p.c., dose, mv-20 (.3-1.3 cc.).
PROPERTIES. -- Same as oil of clove; carminative,
stimulant, diaphoretic, vermifuge, parasiticide, rubefacient, counter-irritant.
USES. -- Rheumatism, myalgia, spasmodic affections
of the stomach and bowels, catarrh of bladder, low fevers, gout, colic,
cholera morbus, dysmenorrhea, laryngitis, bronchitis, toothache, chilblains.
Me'lia Azed'arach, Margosa Bark, Pride of India.
-- The bark of the root, U.S.P. 1820-1880; China, India, cultivated, S.
United States. Beautiful tree 9-12 M. (30-40 degrees) high, leaves
imparipinnate; flowers lilac color; fruit drupe, yellow, size of cherries,
poisonous pulp; never leafless. Bark curved or quilled, 5-7.5 Cm.
(2-3') long, 5 Mm. (1/5') thick; outer surface reddish with irregular blackish
ridges; inner surface whitish or brownish, striate, sweet, bitter, nauseous;
contains resin, tannin, sugar. Used for lumbricoid worms, emetic.
Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.), in decoction, tincture (diluted alcohol).
Melilo'tus officina'lis, Melilotus, (Yellow) Melilot,
Yellow Sweet Clover, N.F. -- The dried leaf and flowering top with
not more than 3 p.c. of stems over 3 Mm. (1/8') thick or other foreign
organic matter; Europe, United States. Plant 1-1.5 M. (3-5 degrees)
high; stems mostly less than 30 Cm. (12') high, slender, leafy below, terminating
in yellow racemes, pubescent; leaves trifoliate, leaflets 1-3 Cm. (2/5-1
1/5') long, oval, serrate; corolla papilionaceous; legumes 2.5-3.5 Mm.
(1/10-1/7') long, obovate, 1-seeded;odor aromatic, tonka-like; taste sweetish,
slightly pungent, bitter. Powder, light green -- non-glandular hairs,
epidermal cells of leaf tissue, stomata, chlorenchyma, fibro-vascular tissue,
crystal-fibers with calcium oxalate prisms, tracheae, pollen grains, occasional
glandular hairs; solvent: diluted alcohol; contains coumarin, melilotic
acid, coumaric acid, melilotol (fragrant volatile oil), ash 10 p.c.
Locally -- to allay pain in abdomen, joints, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism;
1. Species Emollientes, 20 p.c. Decoction, Infusion, Ointment, Plasters.
Melis'sa officina'lis, Melissa, Balm.--The leaves
and tops, U.S.P. 1840-1890; sia Minor, S. Europe. Perennial herb
with fragrance of lemons, growing in waste places; stems several, quadrangular,
.3-1 M. (1-3 degrees) high, branched at base, pubescent; flowers yellowish-white,
purplish, calyx 5-toothed, tubular, bell-shaped; corolla cilabiate, 4 stamens.
Leaves, 5 Cm. (2') long, petiolate, ovate, obtuse, crenate, hairy, glandular,
branches square; fragrant, aromatic, astringent, bitter; contains volatile
oil .25 p.c., bitter principle, tannin, gum; solvents: diluted alcohol,
boiling water. Carminative, diaphoretic, stimulant, antispasmodic;
used as a refreshing drink; when cold for febrile affections, when hot
acts slightly on the skin. Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.); water (Aqua
Melissae), leaves (1) distilled with water (10); compound spirit (Spiritus
Melisse Compositus), balm 14 + lemon peel 12, nutmeg 6, cinnamon 3, clove
3, alcohol 150, water 250, distil 200 parts; fluidextract, mxv-60 (1-4
cc.); infusion, 3j-2 (30-60 cc.); oil, mj-2 (.06-.13 cc.).
Menisper'mum canaden'se, Yellow Parilla, Canadian
Moonseed. -- The rhizome and roots U.S.P. 1880-1890; N. America (Canada
to S. Carolina). Perennial climber, 2.5-3.5 M. (8-12 degrees) long;
stem round, striate; leaves 10-12.5 Cm. (4-5') broad, peltate, 3-5-lobed,
pale beneath petioles long; flowers small, yellowish; fruit 8 Mm. (1/3')
thick, black, resembling grapes. Rhizome 1 M. (3 degrees) long, 6
Mm. 1/4') thick, yellowish-brown, knotty, wrinkled lengthwise, roots many,
fracture tough, woody, inside yellowish, bark thick, wood-rays broad, porous
and longest on lower side, pith distinct; nearly inodorous; taste bitter;
contains berberine (yellow), menispine, starch, gum, resin, tannin.
Tonic, alterative, diuretic; similar to calumba (owing to its bitterness);
scrofulous affections, as a substitute for sarsaparilla. Dose, gr.
15-60 (1-4 Gm.); fluidextract (alcohol 65 p.c.), 3ss-1 (2-4 cc.).
Mentha crispa
Metha cris'pa, Crisped-leaved, Cross or Curled
Mint. -- This is the cultivated form of M. Spicata (viridis), known
also as M. aquat'ica var. crispa, leaves pubescent, cordate pointed, crisped;
M. Sati'va, M. Arven'sis, and M. Rotundifo'lia, are under cultivation and
sometimes produce similar crisped leaves.
Mentha piperita
Mentha piperita, Linne'. The
dried leaves and tops with not mor than 2 p.c. of stems over 3 Mm. (1/8')
thick, or other foreign organic matter.
Habitat. Asia, Europe, N. America;
wild in low ground, wet places; cultivated in Japan, Germany, England,
Michgan, New York, etc.
Syn. Menth. Pip.; Brandy (Lamb) Mint,
Lammint, Herba Menthae Piperitae; Fr. Menthe poivree; Ger. Folia
Menthae piperitae, Pfefferminzblatter.
Pi-pe-ri'ta. L. Piper, pepper -- peppery-mint
-- i.e., from its aromatic burning taste.
Pep'permint -- pepper + mint -- i.e., mint
with pepper properties.
PLANT. -- Perennial herb, possibly from M. Hirsu'ta,
Water Mint, by cultivation; rootstock creeping, producing long suckers
by which it multiplies; stem square, purplish, .6-1.3 M. (2-4 degrees)
high. Leaves, ovate-oblong, 1-9 Cm. (2/5-3 3/5') long, petiole 4-15
Mm. (1/6-3/5') long, pubescent, acute, sharply serrate, light green, purplish-brown,
upper surface nearly glabrous, lower surface glandular-hairy, especially
on veins; more or less crumpled and frequently detached from stems, which
are quadrangular, 1-3 Mm. (1/25-1/8') thick, glabrous except for a few
scattered deflexed hairs; flower-whorls in oblong (oval) spikes which are
usually compact, or somewhat interrupted at base, 1-1.5 Cm. (2/5-3/5')
broad rounded at summit, and in fruit 3-7 Cm. (1 1/5-2-4/5') long; bracts
oblong-lanceolate, very acuminate, 4-7 Mm. (1/6-1/3') long, calyx tubular,
equally 5-toothed, pubescent, glandular-punctate, often dark purplish;
corolla tubular-campanulate, 4-cleft, 3 Mm. (1/8') long, often light purple;
stamens 4, short; nutlets ellipsoidal, .5 Mm. (1/50') thick, blackish-brown;
odor aromatic, characteristic; taste aromatic, pungent, followed by cooling
sensation in the mouth. Powder, greenish -- leaf epidermis with wavy
vertical walls, stomata, non-glandular hairs with papillose walls, glandular
hairs with volatile oil and crystals, chlorenchyma, tracheae, parenchyma,
pollen grains. Should be collected in dry weather, Aug.-Sept., when
in bloom; strongest and most pungent of all mints. Solvents: alcohol;
water partially. Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Cm.).
ADULTERATIONS. -- Leaves chiefly of varieties of
this species: (a) var. officina'lis--leaves narrower, spikes longer; (b)
var. vulga'ris -- leaves broader, base more rounded, spikes more blunt
and close; spearmint leaves, which may readily be distinguished from peppermint
which has leaves with petioles, inflorescence thicker and more crowded,
flowers larger with shorter calyx-teeth, and its own distinctive odor and
Commercial. -- English is regarded best,
Japanese is consumed chiefly for obtaining menthol (50-80 p.c.), while
United States produces most.
CONSTITUENTS. -- Volatile oil 1 p.c. (menthol),
resin, tannin, gum, chlorophyll.
Oleum Menthae Piperitae. Oil of Peppermint,
U.S.P. -- (Syn., Ol. Menth. Pip., Peppermint Oil; Fr. Essence de
Menthe poivree; Ger. Pfefferminzol.). This volatile oil, distilled
from the fresh, overground parts of the flowering plant and rectified by
steam distillation, is a colorless liquid, strong penetrating odor of peppermint,
pungent taste, followed by a senation of cold upon drawing air into the
mouth; soluble in 4 vols. of 70 p.c. alcohol, showing not moe than slight
opalescence and no separation of oil globules (abs. of dementholized or
impure peppermint oil), sp. gr. 0.912, levorotatory; contains 16 constituents:
at least 5 p.c. of esters, calculated as menthyl acetate, C10H19C2O2
and 50 p.c. of total mentol, free and as esters; also acetic and isovaleric
acids, acetaldehyde, isovaleric aldehyde, amyl alcohol, pinene, phellandrene,
limonene, C10H16, menthone, C10H18O,
menthyl isovalerate, menthyl ester, cadinene, C15H24,
a lactone, dimethyl sulphide; the hydrocarbons holding menthol dissolved
are mainly the several terpenes (English -- pinene, phellandrene, sesquiterpene;
Japanese -- sesquiterpene alone) with carvene odor, the higher boiling
ones, (C15H24,having less pleasant odor; menthol
and its esters (first 2 constituents) are most important, the others occurring
in small quantities, being objectionable for flavoring and removed by rectification
with steam. Tests: 1. Distil oil 25 cc., collect the first 1 cc.
and carefully superimpose it on 5 cc. of mercuric chloride T.S. -- no white
film at zone of contact in 1 minute (abs. of dimethyl sulphide, found in
non-rectified peppermint oils). Should be kept cool, dark, in well-stoppered,
amber-colored bottles. Dose, mj-5 (.06-.3 cc.).
ADULTERATIONS. -- Oil of erigeron, castor oil, oil
of turpentine, oil of copaiba, oil of camphor, oil of sassafras, alcohol;
the first, second, and third prevent its solubility in equal volume of
80 pc. alcohol; the fourth gives buttery mass with sulphuric acid; oils
of turpentine, camphor, and sassafras each render its action with iodine
more violent, the two latter being red with nitric acid; dementholized
oil (lower sp. gr.).
Menthol. Menthol, C10H19OH,
U.S.P. -- Pipmenthol, Peppermint Camphor; Fr. Alcool Mentholique, Menthol
Gauche, Camphre de Menthe; Ger. Mentholum, Pfefferminzkampfer, Mentha-kampfer.)
This is a secondary alcohol (stearoptene), obtained from oil of peppermint
or other mint oils (Japanese and Chinese oil of peppermint -- M. Arven'sis
var. Piperas'cens, M. canaden'sis var. glabra'ta). It is obtained
by subjecting the volatile oil simply to refrigeration at -22.2 degrees
C. (-8 degrees F.), by means of ice and salt; when solidified the temperature
is allowed to rise gradually, the liquid portion poured off from time to
time, and the crystals deprived of oil by expression; may purify by recrystallization.
It is in colorless, acicular crystals, strong peppermint-like odor and
taste, with a sensation of warmth followed by cold upon drawing air into
the mouth; soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether, petroleum benzin, liquid
petrolatum, fixed or volatile oils, glacial acetic acid, slightly in water;
alcoholic solution neutral, levorotatory; melts at 43 degrees C. (110 degrees
F.); triturated with an equal weight of either camphor, phenol, thymol,
or chloral hydrate -- mixture becomes liquid; distilled with P2O5
yields menthene, C10H18, is a colorless liquid of
pleasant odor. Tests: 1. Heat 2 Gm. in open dish -- gradually volatilizes
with residue .05 Gm. (abs. of wax, paraffin, inorganic substances).
2. Few crystals dissolved in glacial acetic acid 1 cc., + sulphuric acid
3 drops and nitric acid 1 drop -- not green (abs. of thymol). Impurities:
Wax, paraffin, thymol, magnesium sulphate, inorganic substances.
Should be kept cool, in well-closed containers. Dose, gr. 1-2 (.06-.13
Piperitae, Spirit of Peppermint. (Syn., Sp. Menth. Pip., Essence
of Peppermint; Fr. Alcoolat (Essence) de Menthe poivree; Ger. (Englische)
Pfefferminz (-essenz)-spiritus.)
Manufacture: Macerate for 1 hour peppermint
leaves 1 Gm. in 50 cc. of water, strongly express; mix oil of peppermint
10 cc. in alcohol 80 cc., add macerated leaves, and alcohol q.s. 100 cc.,
macerate mixture for 6 hours, frequently shaking, filter. Should
be kept in amber-colored bottles. Dose, mx-30 (.6-2 cc.).
Preps.: 1. Elixir Catharticum Compositum,
N.F., 1.4 p.c. 2. Liquor Phosphori, N.F., ½ p.c. 3.
Mistura Rhei Alkalina, N.F., 4/5 p.c. 5. Mistura Rhei Composita,
N.F., 3.5 p.c. 6. Syrupus Ficus Compositus, N.F., 3/10 p.c.
OIL: 1. Aqua Menthae Piperitae. Peppermint
Water. (Syn., Aq. Menth. Pip.; Fr. Eau de Menthe poivree; Ger. Pfefferminzwasser.)
Manufacture: 1/5 p.c. Similar to Aquae Menthae Viridis,
page 523. Dose, 3ss-1 (15-30 cc.).
2. Spiritus Menthae Piperitae, 10 p.c. 3.
Acetum Aromaticum, N.F., 1/20 p.c. 4. Cataplasma Kaolini,N.F., 1/20
p.c. 5. Elixir Euphorbiae Compositum, N.F., 1/10 p.c. 6. Gargarisma
Guaiaci Compositum, N.F., 1/5 p.c. 7. Lavatio Ori, N.F., ½
p.c. 8. Linimentum Opii Compositum, N.F., 2.5 p.c. 9. Mistura
Carminativa, N.F., 1/20 p.c. 10. Mistura Chloroformi et Morphinae
Composita, N.F., 1/5 p.c. 11. Oleum Hyoscyami Compositum, N.F.
1/5 p.c. 12. Pilulae Catharticae Vegetabiles, N.F., 1/8 m.
13. Pilulae Rhei Compositae, N.F., 1/18 m. 14. Tabellae Sodii
Bicarbonatis, N.F., 1/20 m. MENTHOL: 1. Menthol Camphoratum, N.F.,
47.5 p.c., + camphor 47.5, alcohol 5. 2. Inunctum Mentholis,
N.F., 5 p.c., + hydrous wool fat 95. 3. Inunctum Mentholis Compositum,
N.F., 5 p.c., + methyl salicylate 10, hydrous wool fat 85. 4. Nebula
Mentholis, N.F., 2 p.c., + light liquid petrolatum q.s. 100. 5.
Nebula Mentholis Composita, N.F., 1 p.c., + camphor 1, methyl salicylate
1/2, eucalyptol 1/5 oil of cinnamon 1/5, light liquid petrolatum q.s. 100.
6. Petroxolinum Mentholis, N..F., 10 p.c. 7. Dentifricium, N.F.,
1/6 p.c. 8. Dentilinimentum Aconiti Compositum, N.F., 36 p.c.
9. Dentilinimentum Aconiti et Iodi Compositum, N.F., 2 -1/5 p.c.
10. Linimentum Sinapis Compositum, N.F., 2 p.c. 11. Liquor
Antisepticus, N.F., 1/10 p.c. 12. Liquor Pepsini Antisepticus, N.F.,
1/20 p.c. 13. Nebula Aromatica, N.F., 1/5 p.c. 14. Pulvis Antisepticus,
N.F., 1/10 p.c.
Unoff. Preps.: LEAVES AND TOPS: Fluidextract,
3j-2 (4-8 cc.). Infusion, 5 p.c., 3j-2 (30-60 cc.) Syrup, 3j-4
(4-15 cc.). Troches (each contains oil 1/7 m; .009 cc.). MENTHOL:
Plaster (Br.), 15 p.c., + yellow wax 10, rosin 75.
PROPERTIES. -- Carminative, stimulant, nervine,
USES. -- Spasmodic stomach and bowel pains, flatulency,
nausea, cholera morbus, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, dysmenorrhea, nervous
headache, hiccough, heart palpitation, vomiting, as a flavoring agent;
externally the oil and menthol for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, antibacterial.
Mentha spicata
Mentha spicata, Linne', Mentha viridis,
Linne'. The dried leaves and tops with not more than
than 2 p.c. of stems over 3 Mm. (1/8') thick, or other foreign organic
Habitat. England, wild in Europe, N.
America; cultivated in the United States.
Syn. Menth. Vir., Mint, Mackerel, Lady's
Brown, Lamb or Common Garden Mint, Lammint, Sage of Bethlehem, Herba
Menthae Romanae (Acutae); Fr. Menthe (romaine) verte, Baume vert;
Ger. Grune Minze, Romische Minse.
Spi-ca'ta. L. spiked -- i.e., the flowers.
Vir'i-dis. L. green -- i.e., the stem.
Spear'mint -- spur + mint, from its spiry,
spear-like inflorescence.
PLANT. -- Perennial herb; rootstocks with elongated
suckers, by which it multiplies extensively; stems .6-1.3 M. (2-4 degrees)
high, acutely quadrangular, branches opposite, smooth, often tinged with
purple; flowers Aug.-Sept., spikes, calyx tubular, 5-toothed, corolla 4-lobed,
light purple. LEAVES, ovate-lanceolate, 1-9 Cm. (2/5-3 3/5') long,
unequally serrate, nearly sessile, or petiole only 4 Mm (1/6') long, bright
green, somewhat glandular-hairy on under surface; more or less crumpled
and mixed with large proportion of the light brown, purplish stems, occasionally
with their characteristic opposite branches; stems distinctly quadrangular,
1-3 Mm. (1/25-1/8') thick, nearly glabrous; flowers in opposite clusters,
or more or less interrupted or crowded, lanceolate, nearly acute spikes;
bracts linear-lanceolate, subulate, 7-10 Mm. (1/4-2/5') long, subtending
the flower clusters; calyx tubular, 5-toothed, glandular-punctate, somewhat
pubescent near the teeth; corolla nearly white, light brown; stamens exserted;
odor slightly pungent, characteristic; taste aromatic, characteristic,
not followed by cooling sensation in the mouth. POWDER, green-closely
resembles that of peppermint but without crystals from the globular heads
of the glandular hairs. Should be collected in dry weather, Aug.-Sept.,
just as flowers appear, if for oil, just after flowers have expanded, and
is heavier, weaker and less pungent than peppermint, being probably the
cultivated form of M. Longifo'lia (sylves'tris), Horse-mint; loses on drying
75-85 p.c. Solvents: alcohol; water partially. Dose, gr. 30-60
(2-4 Gm.).
ADULTERATIONS. -- Mostly through carelessness --
leaves of other Mentha species, chiefly M. piperita, sometimes 30-50 p.c.
in that coming from the South (Va., N. Ca., S. Ca.); its own odor and taste
(lack of coldness), unequally serrate sessile leaves, slender interrupted
spikes and long calyx teeth should suffice for ready recognition.
CONSTITUENTS. -- Volatile oil .5 p.c., resin, tannin,
Oleum Menthae Viridis. Oil of Spearmint,
U.S.P. -- (Syn., Ol. Menth. Vir., Spearmint Oil; Fr. Essence de Menthe
verte; Ger. Krauseminzol, Romisch Minzol.) This volatile oil, distilled
from the flowering plant (fresh or partly dried) is a colorless, yellow,
greenish-yellow liquid, characteristic odor and taste of spearmint; soluble
in 80 p.c. alcohol (1) with clear solution that becomes cloudy on further
dilution with alcohol, sp. gr. 0.925, levorotatory; contains at least 43
p.c. of carvone, C10H14O, limonene, C20H16,
43 p.c., possibly pinene, C10H16, and an unidentified
alcohol, C10H17OH. It is preserved for a long
time by adding 3-4 p.c. of alcohol. Should be kept cool, dark, in
well-stoppered amber-colored bottles. Dose, mj-5 (.06-.3 cc.).
Viridis, Spirit of Spearmint. (Syn., Sp. Menth. Vir., Essence of
Spearmint, Tinctura Olei Menthae Viridis; Ger. Grune Minzessenz.)
Manufacture: Macerate for 1 hour spearmint
leaves 1 Gm. in water 50 cc., strongly express; mix oil of spearmint 10
cc. in alcohol 80, add macerated leaves, and alcohol q.s. 100 cc., macerate
mixture for 6 hours, frequently shaking, filter. Should be kept in
amber-colored bottles. Dose, mx-30 (.6-2 cc.).
Prep.: 1. Elixir Manacae Compositum, N.F.,
1.5 p.c.
OIL: 1. Aqua Menthae Viridis. Spearmint Water.
(Syn., Aq. Menth. Vir.; Fr. Eau de Menthe verte; Ger. Romisch Minzwasser.)
Manufacture: 1/5 p.c. Similar to Aquae
Aromaticae: shake often during 15 minutes, oil .2 cc. with distilled water
100, in a capacious bottle, set aside 12 hours or more, filter, adding
distilled water q.s. 100 cc., or triturate oil .2 cc. with purified talc
1.5 Gm. and recently boiled distilled water q.s. 100 cc., filter until
clear. Dose, 3ss-1 (15-30 cc.).
Prep.: 1. Liquor Sodae et Menthae, N.F.,
98 p.c.
2. Spiritus Menthae Viridis, 10 p.c. 3. Elixir
Catariae et Faeniculi, N.F., 1/10 p.c.
Unoff. Preps.: LEAVES AND TOPS: Infusion,
5 p.c., 3j-2 (30-60 cc.). Fluidextract, 3j-2 (4-8 cc.). LEAVES
AND TOPS, OR OIL: Syrup, 3j-4 (4-15 cc.).
PROPERTIES. -- Carminative, stimulant, nervine;
USES. -- Same as peppermint, but as it is much milder
it is to be preferred in disorders of infancy, culinary purposes, confectionery,
perfumery--flavoring chewing gum, world celebrated mint julep, mint sauce,
peas and other green vegetables.
Menyan'thes trifolia'ta, Buckbean, Bogbean, Water
Shamrock. -- The root (rhizome), U.S.P. 1820-1830; dried leaves; United
States. Perennial herb, 2.5-3.7 M. (8-12 degrees) high; rhizome 1-2.5
Cm. (2/5-l') thick, slightly longer, branching, black; leaves on petioles,
10-15 Cm. (4-6') long, ternate, leaflets sessile, 5-8 Cm. (2-3') long,
obtuse, obovate, entire or crenate, smooth, pale green, inodorous, bitter;
contains menyanthin (glucoside, yields menyanthol), mucilage, albumin,
sucrose, fat, ash 10 p.c. Tonic, febrifuge, emmenagogue, antiscorbutic,
vermifuge; large doses emetic, purgative; rheumatism, scrofula, scurvy,
dropsy, intermittents, jaundice, dyspepsia, worms. Dose, gr. 15-30
(1-2 Gm.).
Mitchel'la re'pens, Mitchella, Squaw Vine, Partridge-berry,
N.F. -- The dried plant with not more than 5 p.c. of foreign organic
matter; N. America. Creeping evergreen of the woods, reaching .3-.6
M. (1-2 degrees) in length. Occurs in loosely matted masses of --
branches, rhizomes, fine roots, stems and leaves; rhizomes brownish, filiform,
roots fibrous; stems quadrangular; light green, striated; leaves opposite,
dark green, smooth, coriaceous, ovate, entire, up to 2 Cm. (4/5') long,
short petiole, lower surface shiny; flowers purplish, fragrant; fruit scarlet-red
berry; odor faint; taste slightly bitter. Powder, grayish-green --
numerous calcium oxalate raphides, epidermal cells, stomata, chlorenchyma
cells, some with amorphous content, tracheae, parenchyma, starch grains;
solvent: diluted alcohol; contains saponin-like substance, resin, wax,
gum, sugar. Tonic, astringent, diuretic; resembles chimaphila and
viburnum, all at times being prescribed together. Dose, 3ss-1 (2-4
Gm.); 1. Fluidextractum Mitchellae (diluted alcohol): Preps.: 1. Elixir
Aletridis Compositum, 6.55 p.c.; 2. Elixir Heloniadis Compositum, 12.5
Momor'dica Balsam'ina, Balsam Apple, E. India.--Climbing
plant, also cultivated in gardens throughout the United States for its
yellow cucumber-like fruit. This is soaked in whisky and used domestically
as a vulnerary.
Monar'da puncta'ta, Horse-mint. -- The leaves
and tops, U.S.P. 1820-1870; United States. Perennial, .6-1
M. (2-3 degrees) high, stem branched, downy, leaves 5-7.5 Cm. (2-3') long,
lanceolate, serrate, punctate, flowers yellow, spotted red with pinkish
bracts, downy, calyx 5-toothed aromatic, pungent, bitter; contains volatile
oil. Carminative, stimlant, emmenagogue, nervine, diaphoretic, diuretic,
flatulent colic, nausea, rheumatism, neuralgia, diarrhea; in infusion.
Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.). Oleum Meonardae (volatile oil), U.S.P.
1820-1870, is yellowish or reddish, sp. gr. 0.930; contains terpene C10H16,
50 p.c., thymol (monardin), C10H14O, 25-61 p.c.,
also alcohol, C10H18O, and its acetic butyric, and
formic esters.
Morus rubra
Mo'rus ru'bra, Red Mulberry. -- N. America.
Fruit in dense spikes with coalesced perianths, 2.5 Cm. (1') long, dark
purple, fleshy; contains sugar 10 p.c., pectin, citrates, malates; refrigerant,
Mucu'na pru'riens, Cowhage, Cowitch. -- Hairs
of the pods, U.S.P. 1840-1870; E. and W. Indies. Climbing plant,
flowers resemble those of the pea, purple; leaflets hairy; pods coriaceous,
shape of italic letter f, 10 Cm. (4') long, covered with brown hairs, 2.5
Mm. (1/10') long, stiff, filled with brown granular matter, readily penetrating
the skin, causing violent itching. Detached from pods (which then
are eaten as also when green in India) by dipping into honey, scraping
into paste; contains resin, tannin. Anthelmintic for round worms;
irritant in paralysis; action on worms thought to be mechanical.
Dose, gr. 1-3 (.06-2 Gm.), followed by calomel, jalap; ointment also used.
PREPARATION. -- (Unoff.): Spiritus Cajuputi (Br.),
10 p.c., dose, mv-20 (.3-1.3 cc.).
PROPERTIES. -- Same as oil of clove; carminative,
stimulant, diaphoretic, vermifuge, parasiticide, rubefacient, counter-irritant.
USES. -- Rheumatism, myalgia, spasmodic affections
of the stomach and bowels, catarrh of bladder, low fevers, gout, colic,
cholera morbus, dysmenorrhea, laryngitis, bronchitis, toothache, chilblains.
Myri'ca cerif'era, or M. Carolinen'sis, Myrica,
Bayberry Bark, Wax Myrtle Bark, N.F. -- Myricaceae. The dried
bark of the root with not more than 5 p.c. of adhering wood or other foreign
organic matter; S. United States; dry woods, fields. Dense evergreen
shrub, 1.5-3 M. (4.5-9 degrees) high, grayish; leaves oblong, entire, fragrant
dark green; flowers, staminate -- yellow catkins, pistillate -- greenish
aments; fruit, bluish-white drupes, waxy. Bark (root) in transversely
curved pieces, strips, quills, varying length, up to 20 Mm. (4/5') broad,
1-2.5 Mm. (1/25-1/10') thick, rarely 5 Mm. (1/5' -- aerial stem), grayish,
brownish, scaly, occasional warts lenticels, inner surface brownish, striated;
fracture short, weak, uneven; odor characteristic; taste astringent, bitter,
acrid. Powder, reddish-brown -- numerous starch grains, calcium oxalate
crystals, lignified fibers, stone cells, gummy lignin, few tracheae; contains
resins myricinic acid, tannin, red coloring, fat, gum, starch. Alterative,
cholagogue, diuretic, sialagogue, astringent, tonic; diarrhea, scrofula,
jaundice. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.); 1. Pulvis Myricae Compositus,
Composition Powder, 60 p.c. + ginger 30, capsicum 5, clove 5 -- stimulant,
carminative. Dose, gr. 10-20 (.6-1.3 Gm.). Extract, gr. 5 (.3
Myristica fragrans, Houltuym.
The dried ripe seed deprived of seed-coat -- the kernel, with or without
thin coating of lime, yielding not less than 25 p.c. non-volatile, ether-soluble
extractive, nor more than .5 p.c. acid-insoluble ash.
Habitat. Molucca Islands; cultivated
in tropics, India, Philippine Islands, Amboyna, Boura, New Guinea,
E. Indies, W. Indies, S. America, Ceylon, Sumatra, Java, etc.
Syn. Myrist., Nutmeg. Round Nutmeg;
Fr. Muscade des Moluques, Noix Muscade, Nux Muschata, Nuces Nucistae;
Ger. Semen Myriaticae, Muskatnusa, Myriaticassamen.
My-ris'ti-ca. L. See etymology, page
190, of Myristicaceae.
Fra'grans. L. fragran(t)s, sweet-scented
-- i.e., from its fragrant odor.
Nut'met. OE, nut + musk, corrupted
into meg -- i.e., from its odor.
PLANT -- Evergreen tree 7.5-15 M. (25-60 degrees)
high, much branched, bark brownish-gray, smooth, young branches green;
leaves leathery, smooth, entire, 10-15 Cm. (4-6') long, acute at both ends,
prominently veined, dark green; flowers dioecious, small, yelow, fruit
pendulous, smooth, yellow, 7.5 Cm. (3') long, 5 Cm. (2') wide, resenbling
a peach, but grooved by a longitudinal furrow, pericarp, 12 Mm. (1/2')
thick, tough, fleshy, with astringent juice, yellowish-white, dehiscing
from above along the furrow into 2 equal valves that become dry and coriacous
when ripe, and from between which readily falls out the erect, blunt, single
seed closely enveloped, reticulately furrowed and almost completely covered
by an irregularly cut fleshy arillus (mace); when deprived of this latter
the seed-testa is dark brown, hard, thick, smooth, shining, woody; inner
seed-coat thin, membranous, pale brown. KERNEL (myristica, nutmeg),
ovoid, ellipsoidal, 20-30 Mm. (4/5-1 1/5') long, 15-20 Mm. (3/5-4/5') thick,
light brown, retuculately furrowed from the tightly oppressed arillus,
brown end with large circular, upraised scar from which arises a groove
extending to a depression at opposite end (chalaza), easily cut, surface
having waxy luster, mottled from light brown perisperm penetraing into
the yellowish-brown endosperm; longitudinal section through endosperm above
large scar shows cavity with shrunken remains of embryo and usually with
a growth of mold; odor characteristically aromatic; taste pungently aromatic.
POWDER, reddish-brown -- fragments of perisperm with reservoirs containing
volatile oil, parenchyma cells filled with aleurone and starch grains,
.003-.02 Mm. (1/8325-l/1250') broad -- blue with iodine T.S., whereas starch
in mace--yellowish-red; occasional tracheae; mounts in chloral hydrate
T.S. -- shows numerous globules of fixed oil, which may separate in rod-like
crystals; mounts in fixed oil--show separated aggregates of crystals which
strongly polarize light; powder from "limed" nutmegs under microscope,
upon adding water containing 25 p.c. of sulphuric acid--show separation
of calcium sulphate crystals (needles, short rods) which do not polarize
light. Some accept the hard testa and kernel as the seed, like peach
seed, but the U.S.P. recognizes solely the kernel or nucleus, that central
part left after the fleshy portion, arillus, and hard testa have been removed.
Those that are broken, of light weight, feeble odor and taste, musty, wormy
and black-veined should be rejected. Solvents: alcohol; ether.
Dose, gr. 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.).
ADULTERATIONS. -- KERNELS: Rare -- those punctured,
boiled, and plugged, recognized by lightness, insect ravages, and pegs
(on breaking open); also false nutmegs, in spite of easy detection; Papua
(large), Macassar (small) -- M. Fatua and M. Argentea -- both longer, more
narrow and pointed, the former with little aroma after drying, the latter
more brittle and aromatic, and furrowed with 4 broad stripes. POWDER
(GROUND): Common -- partially or wholly exhausted refuse, from percolation
or ditillation.
Commercial. -- Plant prefers light soil,
shade, and moist climate, produces fruit when 8-9 years old, matures at
25, and yields annually for 60-70 years. Fruit was unknown to the
ancients, Avicenna being the first to notice it, and is collected when
split on one or both sides, the first to notice it, and is collected when
split on one or both sides, Sept.-Dec., (also April-June) by means of a
hook on a long pole, or by hand, placed into baskets, pericarp and arillus
removed, and the seed, spread on frames to dry by sun or fire at 60 degrees
C. (140 degrees F.), being turned over every few days for 2 months.
When kernels rattle in the shells, the latter are cracked off with mallets,
and the former assorted, the best being rubbed over with powdered lime
and packed in white-washed casks or chests for market. The Chinese
are supplied with uncracked seed, while inferior grades are utilized for
expressing the fixed oil. There are several varieties: 1, Unlimed
(Brown, Penang, Singapore), as above described, sometimes oily to the touch,
and mixed with clove; 2. Limed (Dutch, Batavian), prepared in the Banda
Islands by steeping the dried seed for a short time in a mixture of salt
water and lime (a protection against insect attacks, and possibly to kill
the embryo thereby restricting the culture to their own provinces), then
exposing to the sun several days and packing for market; 3, Artificial,
prepared by compressing a mixture of earthy and powdery matter, being less
aromatic than the genuine, also soft and crumbly when in boiling water
3 minutes; contains volatile oil 2 p.c., fat 15 p.c., ash 11-18 p.c.
CONSTITUENTS. -- Volatile oil 2-8-15 p.c., fixed
oil 25-30 p.c., starch, proteins, mucilage, ash 2-5 p.c.
Oleum Myristicae. Oil of Myristica,
U.S.P. -- (Syn., Ol. Myrist., Myristica Oil, Oil of Nutmeg, Oleum Nucistae
Aethereum; Fr. Essence de Muscade; Ger. Oleum Macidis, Aetherisches Muskatnussol.)
This volatile oil, distilled from the dried kernels of the ripe seed with
water or steam, is a colorless, pale yellow liquid, characterisic odor
and taste of nutmeg; soluble in alcohol (1), in 90 p.c. alcohol (3), sp.
gr. 0.859-0.924, dextrorotatory; contains d-pinene and d-camphene 80 p.c.,
dipentene 8 p.c., eugenol, safrol, myristicol, C10H160.
The nutmeg camphor (once thought to be myristin), which sometimes settles
on standing, is myistic acid. Tests: 1. Evaporate 3 Gm. on water-bath
-- residue .06 Gm. 2. Recently distilled oil in alcohol (1)--neutral
or only slightly acid. Should be kept cool, dark, in well-stoppered,
amber-colored bottles. Dose, mij-3 (.13-.2 cc.).
Fixed Oil. (Oleum Hyristicae Expressum,
Oleum Nucistae.) -- Obtained by bruising nutmegs, exposing them in
a bag to steam, and expression between heated plates; the oil runs out
a liquid, but congeals upon cooling; often called nutmeg butter, and improperly
oil of mace; it is an orange-brown solid, sp. gr. 0.995, melting at 45
degrees C. (113 degrees F.), soluble in hot ether (2), hot alcohol (4);
consists mainly of myristin, with some myristic acid, palmitin, olein,
resin, volatile oil 6 p.c. Dose, gr. 2-5 (.13-.3 Gm.).
PREPARATIONS. -- I. SEED: 1. Tinctura Lavandulae
Composita, 1 p.c. 2. Tinctura Rhei Aromatica, 2 p.c. 3. Pulvis
Aromaticus, N.F., 15 p.c. 4. Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus, N.F., 6 p.c.
5. Syrupus Sennae Aromaticus, N.F., 1/5 p.c. II OIL: 1. Spiritus
Ammoniae Aromaticus, 2/20 p.c. 2. Elixir Pepsini et Rennini Compositum,
N.F., 1/100 p.c. 3. Mistura Oleo-Balsamica, N.F., 2/5 p.c. Spiritus
Myristicae (Br.), 20 p.c. Dose, mv-20 (.3-1.3 cc.).
PROPERTIES. -- Stimulant, stomachic, narcotic, flavoring,
condiment, increases gastric juice, digestion, appetite; large doses, like
camphor, act on the cerebrum, causing stupor, delirium.
USES. -- Flatulence, gastric debility, diarrhea,
dysentery, vomiting, colic, dyspepsia, flavoring, condiments.
Allied Products:
1. Macis, Mace. -- The arillode of the seed
of Myristica fragrans, U.S.P. 1850-1900. When fruit first gathered
the fleshy pericarp is removed, the thin coating (arillode) enveloping
the seed peeled off with a knife, then sprinkled with salt water, as a
preservative, and dried by sun or fire; or it may be allowed to remain
on the seed until thoroughly dry, when it freely cracks and peels off.
It is a brilliant, scarlet (fresh), or brownish-orange (dry), brittle,
in narrow bands, 2.5 Cm. (1') long, branched, lobed above fatty when scratched
or pressed, fracture short, showing many oil-cells; odor fragrant; taste
warm, aromatic; contains volatile oil (oleum macidis) 4-9-17-35 p.c., resin
25 p.c., sugar 1 p.c., amylodextrin 1.8 p.c., fixed oil, mucilage, proteins
(no starch), ash 1-3 p.c.; solvent: alcohol. Tinctura Macidis, 20
p.c. (alcohol). Adulterations: Common (entire and powdered) -- nutmeg,
starch, ginger, and mace of M. Malabar'ica and M. Fatua; this latter readily
being detected by darker reddish color, more fatty, resinous, lustrous
surface, weaker taste and odor, yielding 10 times more ether-extract, and
microscopic specimen turning dark brown with potassium hydroxide solution,
becoming yellow with sulphuric acid. Stimulant, tonic, flavoring.
Dose, gr. 5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.).
2. False, Long, Wild, Male Nutmegs -- M.
Fat'ua and M. Argen'tea. -- These are 4-5 Cm. (1 3/5-2') long, paler and
less aromatic than official, the mace inodorous and less deeply lobed.