A Manual of Materia Medica
and Pharmacology
by David M. R. Culbreth, Ph.G., M.D. (1927)
Haematox'ylon campechia'num, Hematoxylon, Logwood,
N.F. -- The heartwood with not more than 2 p.c. of foreign organic
matter. C. America, nat. In W. Indies. Spreading tree, 7.5-12
M. (25-40 degrees) high, .3-.6 M. (1-2 degrees) thick, knotty, tough; bark
dark, rough, white dotted; leaves paripinnate, leaflets 4-5 pairs, obcordate,
smooth; flowers yellow, racemes, jonquil odor; fruit legume, 2.5-4 Cm.
(1-1 3/5') long, compressed, tapering ends, 2-seeded. Heartwood in
logs 1 M. (3 degrees) long, 15 Cm. (6') thick, sp. gr. 1.06, hard purplish-black,
internally brownish-red, irregular concentric circles, medullary rays 4
cells wide; odor faint, agreeable; taste sweetish, astringent; colors saliva
dark pink. In shops as small chips, occasionally in billets, coarse
powder, reddish-brown, freshly cut surface dark yellowish-red. Powder,
reddish-brown -- wood fibers, crystal-fibers with calcium oxalate monoclinic
prisms, tracheae with brownish amorphous content; medullary rays, walls
of cells with simple pores; pieces with a greenish luster (fermentation
or oxidation of hematoxylin into hematein by ammonia in the air) should
be rejected. It imparts a yellowish color to slightly acidified water,
changed to purple or violet-red by alkalies (red with Brazil wood, no change
with red saunders); solvents: boiling water, alcohol; contains hematoxylin
12 p.c., volatile oil, tannin, fat, resin, asah 3.5 p.c. There are
four varieties: 1, Campeachy; 2, Honduras; 3, St. Domingo; 4, Jamaica.
Astringent, tonic, antiseptic, similar to tannin; cholera infantum, chronic
diarrhea, dysentery, leucorrhea, hemorrhage, dyspepsia; antiseptic in gangrene,
ulcers, cancer; chiefly in dyeing violet, blue, gray, black. Dose,
3ss-1 (2-4 Gm.); 1. Extractum Haematoxyli, 10 p.c. (water), dose, gr. 5-15
(.3-1 Gm.); decoction (Br.) 5 p.c. + cinnamon 1, 3ss-2 (15-60 cc.).
Hage'nia abyssin'ica, Brayera, Kousso, Cusso,
N.F. -- The dried panicle of the pistillate flowers with not more than
10 p.c. of staminate flowers or other foreign organic matter, yielding
not more than 5 p.c. of acid-insoluble ash; stems over 3 Mm. (1/8') thick
and all binding material must be rejected before powdering or using; Abyssinia,
tablelands, mountains. Ornamental tree, 6-12 M. (20-40 degrees) high;
leaves 25-30 Cm. (10-12') long, imparipinnate, leaflets 3-6 pairs, 7.5-10
Cm. (3-4;) long, sessile, serrate; flowers monoecious -- staminate (Kousso-esels)
greenish-yellow, with 20 fertile stamens. Pistillate (Red kousso)
in reddish-brown rolls, flattened bundles, 25-50 Cm. (10-20') long, or
more or less loose and stripped from larger portions of the panicles, branches
cylindrical, flattened, furrowed, light brown, yellowish, tomentose, glandular;
cork brownish, fibro-vascular bundles in wedges, pith large, nodes with
scar or branch, internodes 1-2 Cm. (2/5-4/5') long; flowers with bracts,
calyx turbinate, purple-veined bractlets; petals 5, caducous, usually absent
in drug, carpels 2, stigmas broad, hairy, fruit achene, 2 Mm. (1/12') thick;
odor slight, taste bitter. Powder, brownish -- non-glandular hairs,
glandular hairs, tracheae, pith, stomata, calcium oxalate rosettes, prisms,
pollen grains; solvents: alcohol, boiling water; contains kosin (amorphous
resins) 6.25 p.c., volatile oil, tannin 24 p.c., kosidin, protokosin, kosotoxin,
ash 5-9 p.c. Anthelmintic, taenifuge. Dose, 3ij-6 (8-24 Gm.);
1. Infusum Brayerae, 6 p.c., dose, 3ij-8 (60-240 cc.). Fluidextract
(alcohol); kosin (koussin, brayerin--amorphous impure best), gr. 5-30 (.3-2
Hamame'lis virginia'na; Hamamelidis Folia, Hamamelis
Leaves, Witch Hazel Leaves, N.F. -- The dried leaves with not more
than 5 p.c. of stems nor 2 p.c. of other foreign organic matter; N.America,
thickets, ponds, ditch banks. Woody shrub 1.5-4.5 M. (5-15 degrees)
high, 7.5-15 Cm. (3-6') thick; stem crooked. Bark and twigs, in irregular
quilled, bent pieces, 1-2 Mm. (1/25-1/12') thick, grayish-brown, many lenticels,
or reddish-brown, with short transverse ridges or scars, or somewhat scaly
in old bark, thin corky layer easily removed from pale cinnamon-color middle
bark, inner surface pale cinnamon, yellowish, smooth, finely striate, fracture
short (young) or tough (old) in the bast layer. Leaves short, petiole
1-1.5 Cm. (2/5-3/5') long, lamina broadly elliptical, inequilateral, 8-12
Cm. (3 1/4-5') long, acute, rounded, acuminate, slightly cordate and oblique,
sinuate-dentate, pale or brownish-green with few stiff hairs above, lighter
underneath, hairy, midrib and veins prominent; odor slight;; taste astringent,
aromatic, bitter. Powder, light-green--eliptical stomata, numerous
stellate hairs and tracheae, wood fibers, calcium oxalate prisms, crystal
and bast-fibers; solvents: 33 p.c. alcohol, boiling water; contains tannin,
volatile oil, bitter principle, extractive, ash 6 p.c. Astringent,
hemostatic, styptic, sedative, tonic; external inflammations, congestion,
sore throat (gargle), hemorrhages of nose, uterus, gums; piles, tumors,
diarrhea. Dose, 3ss-1 (2-4 Gm.); 1. Fluidextractum Hamamelidis Foliorum
(leaves), lst menstruum: glycerin 10 alcohol 30, water 50, 2d: 33 p.c.
alcohol. 2. Aqua Hamamelidis, Distilled Extract of Witch Hazel (twigs),
100 p.c.; macerate 24 hours in water 200, distil 85 , add alcohol 15; it
is clear, colorless, characteristic odor and taste, neutral, fainely acid;
must be free from mucoid or fungous growths, acetous odor, formaldehyde,
acetone, methanol, dissolved impurities. Should be kept cool, in
tightly-closed containers.
Hedeo'ma pulegioi'des, (American) Pennyroyal.
-- The dried leaves and flowering tops, U.S.P. 1830-1900; N. America, sandy
fields, hills, open woods, scenting the atmosphere. Annual herb;
stem 25-37.5 Cm. (10-15') high, quadrangular, pubescent, branched; root
figrous, yellowish. Leaves opposite, 15-35 Mm. (3/5-1 2/5') long,
thin, obtuse, obscurely serrate, glandular-hairy beneath, petiolate; flowers,
axillary fascicles; calyx tubular, 5-toothed, bilabiate; corolla pale blue,
spotted, bilabiate, containing 2 sterile and 2 fertile stamens; odor strong,
mint-like; taste aromatic, pungent; solvents: alcohol, boiling water partially;
contains volatile oil 1 p.c., bitter principle, tannin. Stimulant,
carminative, emmenagogue, aromatic; flatulent colic, nausea, indigestion,
corrective to purgatives; hot infusion -- diarrhea, bronchitis, rheumatism,
amenorrhea (hot hip and foot baths); odor repulsive to fleas, mosquitoes,
etc.; large doses, for suppressed catamenia or for inducing abortion, have
occasioned death from narcosis. Dose, gr. 15-60 (1-4 Gm.); fluidextract
(diluted alcohol), 3ss-2 (2-8 cc.); infusion, 5 p.c., 3ij (60 cc.), every
hour; spirit (oil 1, + alcohol 9), externally and in spray. Volatile
oil (oleum Hedeomae), U.S.P. 1820-1900, often added to liniments as a rubefacient.
Mentha Pule'gium, European Pennyroyal, resembles closely the above, having
oval, serrate leaves, and purplish flowers, cymes, corolla 4-lobed; Hedeoma
piperi'ta, Mexico, is used for peppermint, while H. thymoi'des, Texas,
having more agreeable odor, as aromatic, diaphoretic.
Helian'themum canaden'se, Helianthemum, Rock-rose,
Frost-wort (-weed), U.S.P. 1850-1870. -- Cistaceae. The dried
herb; N. America. Hoary perennial. 15-45 Cm. (6-18') high,
terete, reddish; leaves 1-3 Cm. (2/5-1 1/5') long, 4-8 Mm. (1/6-1/3') broad,
oblong, entire; flowers, 2 kinds, yellow; fruit ovoid capsule; odor slightly
aromatic; taste astringent, bitter; solvent: diluted alcohol; contains
volatile oil, fixed oil, wax, tannin, glucoside. Tonic, astringent,
alterative; prurigo; large doses emetic. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.);
Decoction, Extract, Fluidextract (diluted alcohol).
Helleb'orus ni'ger, Black Hellebore. -- The
dried rhizome and roots, U.S.P. 1820-1870; C. and S. Europe, mountains.
Acaulescent perennial, leaves evergreen, 7-9-lobed, flowers rose-like.
Rhizome knotty, 5 Cm. (2') long, 12 Mm. (1/2') thick, blackish, bark thick,
wood-wedges 8, medullary rays broad, taste sweet, bitter, usually from
Germany; contains helleborin, helleborein, helleboretin, resin, volatile
oil, fixed oil, gum, etc. Heart stimulant, drastic hydragogue cathartic,
alterative; used for melancholia, mania, dropsy, amenorrhea, epilepsy,
skin troubles; in decoction, infusion, tincture, extract. Dose, gr.
5-20 (.3-1.3 Gm.). H. Fo'tidus, Bear's Foot. -- The leaves, U.S.P.
1820-1830; Europe. Perennial herb--the most energetic of the genus.
Used for asthma, hysteria, hypochondriasis, tenia; in powder, decoction,
syrup. Dose, (root), United States, Europe; rhizome about the same
as H. niger, but has only 4 wood-wedges, and is smaller.
Hepat'ica Hepatica (tri'loba), Noble Liverwort. -- The leaves, U.S.P.
1820-1870, N. America, Europe. One of our earliest harbingers of
spring; acaulescent perennial, flowers, April, bluish, leaves reniform,
5 Cm. (2') long, 3-lobed; contains mucilage, tannin. Tonic, demulcent,
deobstruent; liver affections, bronchitis, phthisis; in decoction, infusion.
Dose, 3ss-2 (2-8 Gm.).
Heracle'um lana'tum, Cow-parsnip, Masterwort.
-- The root, U.S.P. 1820-1850; United States. Plant 1.5-3 M. (5-10
degrees) high, 2.5-4 Cm. (1-1 3/5') thick, pubescent, hollow; root resembles
parsley, disagreeable odor, acrid taste, fruit has each mericarp with 5
ribs and 6 vittae; contains volatile oil, resin. Stimulant, carminative;
epilepsy, dyspepsia, warts, escharotic; in infusion, juice. Dose,
3ss-1 (2-4 Gm.).
Heu'chera america'na, Alum Root. -- The rhizome,
U.S.P. 1820-1870; United States. Plant viscid, pubescent, .6-1.3
M. (2-4 degrees) high; leaves 5-7.5 Cm. (2-3') wide, crenate; flowers purplish-white;
root 15 Cm. (6') long, 12 Mm. (1/2') thick, several-headed, many thin radicals,
brownish-purple; bark thin, inodorous, astringent, bitter; contains tannin
18-20 p.c., starch 5-16 p.c. Astringent, tonic; diarrhea, menorrhagia,
aphthae, ulcers, hemorrhoids. Dose, gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.), in decoction.
Heve'a (brasilien'sis and H. Guianen'sis), Elastica,
Rubber. -- The prepared milk-juice, U.S.P. 1890-1900; S. America, east
of Andes, India, near streams. Large trees, smooth straight trunks,
15-18 M. (50-60 degrees) high; leaves trifoliate, leaflets obovate, 10
Cm. (4') long, dark green; flowers racemes. Resin (rubber), in flask-shaped,
roundish masses, incised pieces showing laminated structure, lighter than
water, brownish-black, internally lighter, mottled, tough, elastic, odor
creosote-like, almost tasteless; solvents: chloroform, carbon disulphide,
oil of turpentine, petroleum benzin, benzene; melts at 125 degrees C. (257
degrees F.), soft and adhesive on cooling; heated with sulphur 10 p.c.
-- vulcanized and insoluble; with 40 p.c. -- hard rubber (ebonite).
Milk (resembling cow's) exudes from small pick holes, being caught in small
cups, emptied into large vessels and conveyed to smoking station, where
wooden paddles (lower end) are dipped repeatedly into it (then sometimes
into sand -- adulteration), and rotated in a column of smoke until coagulated
and mass has attained considerable size; contains resin (caoutchouc) 32
p.c., volatile oil, fixed oil. Base of plasters; woven into fabrics
to compress and support relaxed muscles and parts; hard rubber in surgical
implements--bougies, catheters, pessaries, specula, syringes, etc.
Hu'mulus Lu'pulus, Humulus, Hop, N.F. -- The
carefully dried strobile bearing its glandular trichomes with not more
than 2 p.c. of stems, leaves, or other foreign matter, yielding not more
than 5 p.c. of acid-insoluble ash; N. Temperate Zone -- N. America, C.
Asia, cultivated. Perennial herbaceous twiner (left to right), stems
several, 6 M. (20 degrees) long, flexible, flowers dioecious, pistillate
greenish, cone-like spikes producing the fruit. Strobile (fruit)
ovoid-cylindrical, 3 Cm. (1 1/5') long, flexuous rachis, numerous yellowish-green
membranous scales, the base of each with numerous brownish glandular hairs
(lupulin) and enclosing a glandular achene; odor strong, characterist --
disagreeable, valerian-like on aging; taste aromatic, bitter; should be
kept dark, in tightly closed containers. Powder, yellowish-green
-- parenchyma cells with calcium oxalate rosettes, branching tracheae,
non-lignified hairs, glandular hairs with yellowish oil, few pollen grains,
large cells with calcium carbonate cystoliths; solvents: diluted alcohol,
boiling water; contains volatile oil .8 p.c., choline (lupuline), resin
(3) 9-18 p.c., trimethylamine, tannin (lupulo-) humulo-tannic acid, sugar,
salts. Tonic, stimulant, nervous, sedative, anodyne, hypnotic; nervous
insomnia, dyspepsia, delirium tremens, hysteria, irritable bladder, rheumatism,
abscesses (poultice). Dose, 3ss-1 (2-4 Gm.); 1. Fluidextractum Humuli
(alcohol 5 vols., water 3), dose, mxv-60 (1-4 cc.); 2. Tinctura Humuli,
20 p.c. (diluted alcohol), dose, 3j-2 (4-8 cc.). Infusion, 5 p.c.;
extract, elixir, poultice.
Lupulinum, Lupulin, N.F. -- The glandular
trichomes separated from the strobiles, yielding not less than 60 p.c.
of ether-soluble extractive nor more than 10 p.c. of acid-insoluble ash.
It is a yellowish-brown, granular powder, characteristic odor and taste
of hop, being obtained therefrom by removing scales, shaking, and rubbing
glands through fine sieve -- yield 8-16 p.c.; trichomes globular, ellipsoidal,
.1-.3 Mm. (1/250-1/80') broad, layer of secreting cells in form of shallow
cup, the cuticle on inner surface being separated by secreted yellowish
oleoresin; should be kept dark in tightly closed containers and when dark
reddish and of disagreeable valerian-like odor from aging must not be used.
Dose, gr. 5-15 (.3-1 Gm.); 1. Fluidextractum Lupulini (alcohol), dose,
mv-30 (.3-2 cc.). Oleoresin (acetone, ether) gr. 5-15 (.3-1 Gm.)
Tincture, 12 p.c. (alcohol); Pills (excipient)--little ether, or heat,
or brisk rubbing with spatula.
Hydran'gea arbores'cens, Hydrangea, Seven-barks,
N.F. -- Saxifragaceae. The dried rhizome and roots with not more
than 3 p.c. of foreign organic matter; N. America, on rocky banks near
streams: .3-2.5 M. (1-8 degrees) high, stem grayish, bark exfoliates into
thin layers (7), glabrous; leaves ovate, serrate, pale green beneath; flowers
cymes, flat, greenish; fruit 2-celled, 2-beaked, many-seeded capsule.
Rhizome, usually in pieces 3-10 Cm. (1 1/5-4') long, 3-20 Mm. (1/8-4/5')
thick, yellowish-brown, wrinkled, lenticels, stem-scars above, fibrous
roots beneath; fracture tough, whitish, wood radiate--pith; roots 25 Cm.
(10') long, 2 Mm. (1/12') thick--no pith; inodorous; taste sweetish, acrid.
Powder, yellowish-tracheae, tracheids, stone cells, numerous calcium oxalate
raphides, starch grains; solvent: 60 p.c. alcohol; contains hydrangin (glucoside)
1 p.c., volatile oil, fat, resin, starch, ash 3 p.c. Diuretic, narcotic;
renal and cystic calculi. Dose, gr. 15-30 (1-2 Gm.); 1. Fluidextractum
Hydrangeae (60 p.c. alcohol). 2. Elixir Hydrangeae et Lithii, 40
p.c., + lithium benzoate and salicylate aa 2.6 p.c. Dose, 3j-2 (4-8
Hydrastis canadensis, Linne'.
The dried rhizome and roots with not more than 2 p.c. stems and leaves,
nor 2 p.c. other foreign organic matter, yielding not less than 2.5 p.c.
ether-soluble alkaloids, or more than 3 p.c. of acid-insoluble ash.
Habitat. N. America, Canada, east of
the Mississippi; rich woodlands, mountains.
Syn. Golden Seal, Yellow (Orange) Root,
Yellow Puccoon (Indian Paint), Turmeric (Jaundice) Root, Ohio Curcuma,
Indian Turmeric (Dye), Ground Raspberry, Eye Balm (Root), Yellow
Eye; Br. Hydrastis Rhizoma; Fr. Racine Orange, Sceau d'Or; Ger. Hydrastiarhizom,
Canadische Gellbwursel.
Hy-dras'tis. L. fr. Gr....,
water, + ... to act -- i.e., alluding to the active properties of
the juice, or to the plants growing in marshy places.
Can-a-den'sis. L. of Canada -- i.e.,
its northern habitat limit.
Golden Seal -- i.e., its yellow scarred rhizome,
once used as a paint and dye.
PLANT. -- Perennial herb 15-30 Cm. (6-12') high,
simple, hairy, 2-leaved near apex, one sessile at top, the other an inch
or so below with thick petiole; leaves pubescent, round, cordate, palmately
5-7-lobed, pointed, serrate, 10-22.5 Cm. (4-9') wide; flowers May-June,
only one, greenish-yellow, arising from upper leaf on a peduncle; fruit
compound red berry, 12 Mm. (1/2') thick, composed of 12 or more 1-2-seeded
berries like raspberry. RHIZOME, horizontal or oblique growth, subcylindrical,
flexuous, 1-5 Cm. (2/5-2') long, 2-10 Mm. (1/12-2/5') thick, grayish-brown,
longitudinally wrinkled, annulate from scars of bud-scales; upper surface
occasionally with stem-or leaf-bases, many stem-scars; under and lateral
surfaces with easily detached filiform roots, up to 35 Cm. (14') long,
and 1 Mm. (1/25') thick; yellowish; brittle; curved, twisted, matted, or
broken; fracture short, waxy; internally deep yellow, or greenish-yellow,
enclosing an interrupted circle of small fibro-vascular bundles; odor distinctive;
taste bitter. POWDER, brownish-yellow -- numerous starch grains,
.002-.015 Mm. (1/12500-1/1650') broad, parenchyma and fragments of tissues
with fibro-vascular bundles, tracheae, tabular cork cells, no calcium oxalate
crystals. Test: 1. Moistened with water, mounted directly in sulphuric
acid shows numerous acicular, or rod-shaped crystals. Solvents: alcohol;
diluted alcohol; boiling water. Dose, gr. 5-30 (.3-2 Gm.).
ADULTERATIONS. -- RHIZOMES of Aristolochia Serpentaria,
Aristolochia reticulata, Cypripedium hirsutum, Cypripedium parviflorum,
Asarum canadense, Xanthorrhiza apiifolia, and roots of Styloph'orum diphyl'lum.
Commercial. -- The Cherokee Indians used
hydrastis very early as a domestic remedy and dye, and although they disclosed
its value to the American settlers, it did not attract medical attention
until 1798, but soon thereafter became popular with the "Eclectics" and
later one of our important drugs.
CONSTITUENTS. -- Hydrastine 1.5-3.14 p.c., Berberine
3-4 p.c., Canadine (resin, fluorescent compound, starch, sugar, gum, fat,
coloring matter), ash 5 p.c.
Hydrastina, Hydrastine, C21H21O6N.
-- This characteristic colorless alkaloid is obtained by adding hydrochloric
or sulphuric acid in excess to an alcoholic tincture of hydrastis, whereby
the corresponding berberine salt deposits in crystals; to the filtered
mother-liquor add ammonia water until acidity is nearly neutralized, strain
to remove ammonium salt, concentrate to a syrupy consistence and pour this
into 10 volumes of cold water, to remove fat and resin; to the filtrate,
containing crude hydrastine salt, add ammonia water in excess to precipitate
impure alkaloid, which may be purified by dissolving in diluted sulphuric
acid, again precipitating with ammonia water and repeated crystallization
from hot alcohol; also prepared synthetically; occurs in white, creamy
white, glistening prisms, white microcrystalline powder, , permanent soluble
in benzene, alcohol (170), hot alcohol (22), chloroform (1.4), ether (175);
insoluble in water; saturated alcoholic solution alkaline, melts at 131
degrees C. (268 degrees F.). Dose, gr 1/4-1/2 (.016-.03 Gm.).
Hydrastinae Hydrochloridum, Hydrastine Hydrochloride,
C21H21O6N.HCl, N.F. -- The hydrochloride
of the alkaloid hydrastine obtained by dissolving the pure alkaloid in
alcoholic solution of hydrochloric acid, concentrating until crystals appear;
occurs as a white, creamy-white powder, odorless, hygroscopic; soluble
in water, alcohol, slightly in chloroform, ether; aqueous solution (1 in
10) neutral, slightly acid. Tests: 1. With silver nitrate T.S. --
white precipitate, insoluble in nitric acid; with sulphuric acid - yellow
color, changing to purple on heating. 2. With sulphuric acid containing
.005 Gm. molybdic acid in each cc -- greem, olive-green, brown; substitute
selenous acid for molybdic acid -- light green color, changing to brown;
with nitric acid -- reddish-yellow color; incinerate .1 Gm. -- ash non-weighable.
3. Solu-tion of .1 Gm. in diluted sulphuric acid 10 cc. -- no blue fluorescence
(abs. of hydrastinine), but gradually adding potassium permanganate T.
S., avoiding excess -- blue fluorescence develops. 4. Aqueous solution
(1 in 20) -- not reddened by chlorine water (abs. of berberine). Should
be kept dark, in well-closed containers. Dose, gr. ¼ - ½
(.016-.03 Gm.).
Hydrastininae Hydrochloridum, Hydrastinine Hydrochloride,
C11H11O2N.HCL -- This hydrochloride of
the artificial alkaloid is obtained by the oxidation of hydrastine with
an oxidizing agent (nitric add, potassium dichromate or permanganate, etc.)
in acid solution; dissolve hydrastine 10 Gm. in nitric acid 75 cc., heat
to 600 C. (1400 F.), upon cooling opianic acid crystallizes out, add to
filtrate potassium hydroxide solution to precipitate hydrastinine, purify
by recrystallizing from benzene or acetic ether, dissolve crystals in hydrochloric
acid, crystallize from alcohol; occurs in light yellowish needles, yellowish-white,
crystalline powder, odorless; soluble in water, alcohol, chloroform (195),
ether (1820); aqueous solution (1 in 20) neutral, with blue fluores-cence,
especially when highly diluted, melts at 2100 C. (4100 F.) with partial
decomposition. Used chiefly for uterine hemorrhage (hypo-dermically), also
as oxytocic; slows heart, but increases force of con-traction, motor-depressant,
paralyzant. Dose, 1/3-1/2 Gm. (.02-.03 Gm.), in 10 P. C. solution.
Berberine, C20H17O4N.
-- This colored alkaloid is obtained by the preceding process for separating
hydrastine; occurs in bitter yellow needles, crystalline powder, soluble
in hot water or alcohol; the hot alcoholic solution with iodine gives dark
green lustrous scales; forms several yellow salts, carbonate, hydrochloride,
phosphate, sulphate, etc., which dissolve in water with difficulty; found
also in berberis, calumbe, coptis, menispermum, xanthorrhisa, etc. Dose,
gr. J-1 (.03-.06 Gm.).
Canadine, C20H21O4N.
-- This forms white needles; in alcohol solution, with iodine get yellow
crystals; it is called sometimes tetrahydro-berberine, and differs from
hydrastine in being more soluble in acetic ether and alcohol; only the
hydrochloride and sulphate are easily soluble in alcohol or hot water;
the name xanthopuccine once assigned to it, but as such it was very likely
impure berberine.
PREPARATIONS. -- 1 RHIZOME:1. Fluidextractum Hydradia.
Fluid-extract of Hydrastis. (Syn., Fldext. Hydrast., Fluid Extract of Hydrastis,
Fluidextract of Golden Seal; Br. Extracturn Hydrastis Uquidum; Fr. Extrait
fluide d'Hydrestis; Ger. Hydrastisfluidextrakt.)
Manufacture: Similar to Fluidextracturn Ergotme,
pap 63; lst menstruum: alcohol 60 cc., water 20, glycerin 10; 2d: 67 p.
c. alcohol; reserve first 75 cc., in which dissolve soft extract, &my
and add 2d q. s. for 100 cc. to contain 1.8-2.2 Gm. of ether-soluble alkaloids.
Dose, Mv-W (.3-2 cc.): Preps.: 1. Mistura Rhei Aadina, N.F., 4/5 p.c.
2. Elixir Hydrastis Compositun, Alkaline Elixir,
N. F., fldext. 1.75 p. c. + fldexts. oat, xanthox. u 1.75, fldexts.
gentian, ginger U .875, sodium bicarb. .875, efix. arom. q. s. 100.
2. Extractum Hydrastis, N.F.; yields 9-11
p. c. of ether-soluble alkaloids, and 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. of hydrastis.
Dose, gr. 1-10 (.06-.6 Gm.). 3. Tinctura Hydrastis N. F., 20 p. c. (67
p. c. alcohol) -- Dose, 3 ss-1 (2-4 cc.). II. Hydrastine: 1. Liquor Hydrastinae
Compostus, Colorless Hydrastine Solution, N. F., 3/10 p. c. Dose 3 ss-1
(2-4 cc.).
Unoff. Prep.: Decoction, 5 p. c., Sj-2 (30-60
cc.). Hydrastin of "Eclectics" is a resinoid, prepared by exhausting the
drug with alcohol, evaporating, and precipitating with acidulated HCL water;
it is chiefly berberine chloride, which often occasions for it the substitution
of the pure hydrochloride of that alkaloid, dose, gr. 2-6 (.13-.4 Gm.).
PROPERTIES -- Upon digestion, circulation, respiration,
and nervous system analogous to, but much milder than, strychnine. Bitter
tonic, increases appetite, digestion, gastric secretions (berberine), and
the flow of bile; antiperiodic, protolasmic poison, interfering with the
white blood-corpuscle movement, alterative to the mucous membranes, deobstruent
to the glandular system, antiseptic, cholagogue, diuretic. Hydrastine acts
on the nervous system like quinine, but it is non-toxic, as large doom
only produce warmth in the stomach and ringing in the ears.
USES. -- Chronic dyspepsia and cystitis, catarrhs
of the stomach, duodenum, gall-ducts, bladder, uterus and vagina, constipation,
bronchitis, malaria, intermittent fever, jaundice. Locally in gonorrhea,
leucorrhea, otorrhes, gleet, chronic nasal catarrh and pharyngitis, syphilitic
sores in the mouth, nares, and throat, unhealthy intractable ulcers and
sores, cancers, fistulas, hemorrhoids, fissured nipples, conjunctivitis,
tonsillitis, hemorrhage. Hydrastine for chronic malaria is much weaker,
but next in value to quinine; hydrastinine (hypodermic-ally) for menorrhagia
and metrorrhagia. The yellowish liquids are objectionable owing to their
staining qualities, for which, however, the Indians valued them in dyeing
fabrics yellow; with indigo they impaft a fine green to wool, silk, and
Poisoning: Same as for nux vomica and strychnine.
Incompatibles: Alkalies, mineral acids, tannic
and other vegetable acids, chloral hydrate, potassium bromide, motor depressants.
Synergists. Quinine and the vegetable tonics
upon the stomach, ergot upon the uterus, and strychnine upon the spinal
Hysso'pus officiana'lis, Hyssop. -- S. Europe. Plant
.3 M. (1 0) high, stem square, leaves 2.5 Cm. (1') long, punctate on both
sides, flowers purplish-blue, stamens 4, exserted; contains volatile oil
.5 p. c., bitter principle, resin, fat. Used in Biblical times as a cathartic,
now as a carminative, stimulant, sudorific; for dyspepsia, amenorrhea,
rheumatism, bruises, bronchitis, sore throat, chronic catarrhs. Dose, gr.
15-60 (1-4 Gm.); infusion, 5 p. c.; oil Xj-2 (.06-.13 cc.).