



    Edgar Cayce would often provide an assessment of the respiratory system which would include the throat, bronchials, lungs, and larynx.  Problems with the respiratory system range from the simple acute infections (such as cold) to chronic and life-threatening illnesses (such as asthma or pneumonia).

    Respiratory system dysfunction may result from various causal factors, including: infection, injury, systemic toxicity, environmental toxicity, and psychological factors.  Often, Cayce traced lung problems back to pressure on nerves in the thoracic vertebra.  These nerves provide impulse to the lungs.  Aberrant nerve impulses predispose the respiratory system to illness via other factors such as infection and allergic reactions.

    Systemic toxicity can also be a predisposing factor which makes the lungs more vulnerable to more specific causes.  The respiratory system is one of the four main channels of elimination (defecation, urination, respiration, and perspiration) by which waste are removed from the body.  One common pattern of dysfunction is for the liver (that great detoxifier of the body) to react to systemic toxicity by increasing the amounts of poisons to be eliminated through the breath.  Cayce refers to this process as the "upper hepatic circulation" which cycles between the liver, heart, and lungs.  Poor digestion and assimilation was mentioned in some readings as a source of systemic toxicity which was directed to the upper hepatic circulation for elimination.  If the lungs are weakened, illness such as asthma may result.  Thus, the hepatic system is a link between the respiratory and digestive systems.  Digestive problems (including food sensitivities) may be a contributing factor to respiratory dysfunction.

    Consistent with the above causal factors, therapeutic recommendations for respiratory dysfunction focus on decreasing toxicity and improving nerve functioning.  Manual therapy with special attention to the thoracic vertebra is important.  A cleansing diet consisting primarily of fruits and vegetables is encouraged.  Inhalants to combat infectious forces may be helpful.  A medicine called Calcidin (calcium iodate) may also provide symptomatic relief for acute episodes of respiratory dysfunction such as asthma.



    The Basic Cayce Diet provides a good foundation for dealing with respiratory dysfunction.


    Osteopathic treatment was often recommended by Edgar Cayce for respiratory dysfunction.   Removal of specific lesions (usually in the thoracic area) is a high priority.


    Several medicines were recommended by Edgar Cayce to improve respiratory functioning, notably:

  • an inhalant containing eucalyptus,
  • an inhalant consisting of apple brandy in a charred oak keg,
  • Calcidin (calcium iodate), available only from compounding pharmacies.


    Options for further assessment include:

  • Thorough manual therapy assessment of the spine, with particular attention to the thoracic vertebra.

Shortness of breath 2882-1, 1787-4, 1560-1, 656-1
Cough 5360-1, 5139-1, 5097-1, 4874-1, 4436-2, 4024-1, 3594-1, 3494-1, 3354-1, 3279-2, 3085-1, 2975-1, 2827-1, 2417-1, 2186-1, 1899-1, 1808-1, 1560-1, 1172-1, 656-1, 572-2, 501-1, 418-3, 418-1, 243-33, 243-30, 218-1, 93-1
Feeling of heaviness, fullness or pain in lungs 5693-1, 5579-1, 4780-1, 4356-1, 2882-1, 2611-1, 1560-1, 501-1, 427-4, 421-11, 418-3
Prone to congestion (head, throat or lungs) 5374-1, 5165-1, 4018-1, 3482-1, 2611-1, 2417-1, 2277-1, 1560-1, 1208-9, 632-8, 538-34, 421-11, 418-3, 418-1, 409-33, 303-41, 243-30
Wheezing 4550-1, 4051-1, 3983-1, 3738-1, 1536-1, 1101-4, 978-1, 928-1, 656-1, 573-3, 568-3, 409-33, 303-34, 303-30
Hay fever or other respiratory allergy 5391-1, 5347-1, 5217-1, 5196-1, 5148-1, 5039-1, 3480-2, 3180-1, 3127-1, 2801-6, 2384-1, 2094-2, 2090-2, 1997-1, 1771-3, 1771-1, 1724-2, 934-2, 808-8, 795-3, 550-8, 494-4, 410-1

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