



    Lacteals are small lymph capillaries which absorb lipids (fats) from the small intestine.  Lacteals join together to form ducts which are especially associated with the Peyer's patches (lymphatic nodes) along the right side of the abdomen in conjunction with the ileum portion of the small intestine.

   Adhesion refers to holding together by new tissue [e.g., scar tissue], produced by inflammation or
injury, of two structures which are normally separate.   Adhesions may interfere with circulation of blood and lymph and nervous system activity and impulse.

    Lacteal duct adhesions were frequently mentioned in the Cayce readings, particularly in cases of epilepsy.  Lacteal duct adhesions were described in approximately ninety-one readings.

    According to Edgar Cayce , lacteal duct adhesions can be produced by several factors, including:

  • injury to the right side of the abdomen or to the umbilicus during birthing,
  • high fever or cold and congestion affecting the lymphatics of the intestinal tract,
  • nerve reflexes (especially from the lower spine - 4th lumbar and coccyx).
    Hot abdominal castor oil packs and massage were typically recommended to break up the adhesions.  When spinal somatic dysfunction was cited as a primary causative factor, osteopathic treatment was usually recommended to remove the pressures on spinal centers.



    Hot abdominal castor oil packs over the area from the liver to the caecum (right side) were the standard treatment for lacteal duct adhesions.  The packs were usually prescribed in three day cycles with a small dose of olive oil (orally) following the third application.


    Nerve reflexes from the lower spine (especially the coccyx) were noted as causative factors in numerous readings on lacteal duct adhesions.  Adjustment of the somatic dysfunction was usually recommended.  Massage of the abdomen after castor oil pack sessions was also recommended to assist in breaking up the adhesions.


    Options for further assessment include:

  • Thorough manual therapy assessment with special attention to palpation of the right side of the abdomen (for tenderness, adhesion and temperature) and examination of the lower spine including the coccyx.
  • Thermographic photography may provide visual documentation of coolness along the right side of the abdomen when compared to the full abdomen.

History of seizures or convulsions 5732-1, 5333-1, 5232-1, 4080-1, 3603-1, 3565-1, 3521-1, 3465-1, 3217-1, 3156-2, 2441-1, 2286-1, 2276-1, 2153-6, 2149-1, 2032-1, 1980-2, 1836-1, 1699-1, 1683-2, 1625-1, 1527-3, 1025-2, 693-1, 571-4, 567-5, 561-2
Cool or cold spot on right side of abdomen 5333-1, 3082-1, 2276-1, 2019-1, 1597-2, 1034-1, 567-4
Lapse or loss of consciousness; or dizzy spells  5232-1, 3521-1, 3231-1, 3156-1, 1980-2, 1836-1, 1653-1, 1597-2, 1527-1, 814-3, 719-2, 571-3, 567-7
Injury to tailbone or soreness of tailbone 5333-1, 5232-1, 5128-1, 5033-1, 3565-1, 3521-1, 3517-2, 3231-1, 3217-1, 1951-1, 1034-1, 1025-2, 567-5
Constipation 3521-1, 1594-1,  1034-1, 924-1, 728-2, 719-2, 567-7
Abnormal mental or physical development 5333-1, 5033-1, 2153-11, 2153-10, 2129-1, 2028-1, 1527-3, 1328-1, 1024-1, 744-1, 719-2, 561-2
Injury, pain or soreness on right side of abdomen below last rib 5732-1, 5724-1, 4080-1, 2276-2, 1034-1, 1025-2, 972-1, 

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