
Cayce Comprehensive Symptom Inventory (CCSI)
  Workbook and Manual
Version 1.0



    The purpose of this lesson is to help you understand and appreciate the TREATMENT PLAN section of a typical physical reading.


    By studying and applying the information in this lesson, you should be able to:

  • identify the TREATMENT PLAN section of a typical physical reading,
  • recognize some of the common therapies recommended in the TREATMENT PLAN section.


    A typical physical reading contains a TREATMENT PLAN section that usually follows the ORGAN section.  The TREATMENT PLAN section prescribed various therapies and often provided detailed instructions for carrying them out.  This lesson will focus on several of the most frequently recommended therapeutic modalities:


      Manual Therapy refers to the therapeutic use of the hands to diagnose and treat illness.  Various
forms of manual therapy (e.g., osteopathy, chiropractic, neuropathy, massage, etc.) were
recommended by Edgar Cayce.   In fact, manual therapy (especially osteopathy) was one of the
most frequently suggested treatments prescribed in the Cayce readings for a wide variety of

    The medical scene has changed somewhat from Cayce's time when there were an abundance of
osteopathic physicians.  Although finding an osteopath today who practices manual therapy is more
difficult than in the previous era, osteopathic physicians are still available.  Furthermore, chiropractic
has increased in popularity, and for most people, is a more accessible form of manual therapy.
Massage therapy is also becoming much more prominent and available to the general public.


     Edgar Cayce often recommended osteopathic treatment for persons suffering from a wide range
of medical conditions.  Most modern osteopaths do not do manipulations in the traditional manner
preferred in the readings.  If you find one who is knowledgeable and capable in traditional
osteopathic techniques, you are indeed fortunate.  Other health care professionals (such as
chiropractors) may be able to give the treatments.

    The main focus of spinal adjustments as described in the Cayce readings is to:

  • Make specific corrections to the spine to relieve pressure on nerves,
  • Stimulate the eliminating systems of the body to increase drainages, both generally and locally
  • Coordinate the nervous systems,
  • Improve assimilations through the digestive system.
    Frequency of treatment varies depending upon the individual.  In most cases, Edgar Cayce
recommended that treatment be given once or twice a week.  Some persons were told to get more
frequent treatments for their serious condition.

Q.  Should other glands be stimulated which have not been?
A.  As just indicated, these should be stimulated, - but from the centers from which the IMPULSE for their activity emanates!
    Let's describe this for a second, that the entity or body here may understand, as well as the one making the stimulation:
    Along the cerebrospinal system we find segments.  These are cushioned.  Not that the segment itself is awry, but through each segment there arises an impulse or a nerve connection between it and the sympathetic system - or the nerves running parallel with same.  Through the sympathetic system (as it is called, or those centers not encased in cerebrospinal system) are the connections with the cerebrospinal system.
    Then, in each center - that is, of the segment where these connect - there are tiny bursa, or a plasm of nerve reaction. This becomes congested, or slow in its activity to each portion of the system.  For, each organ, each gland of the system, receives impulses through this manner for its activity.
    Hence we find there are reactions to every portion of the system by suggestion, mentally, and by the environment and surroundings.
    Also we find that a reaction may be stimulated INTERNALLY to the organs of the body, by injection of properties or foods, or by activities of same.
    We also find the reflex from these internally to the brain centers.
    Then, the SCIENCE of osteopathy is not merely the punching in a certain segment or the cracking of the bones, but it is the keeping of a BALANCE - by the touch - between the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal system!  THAT is real osteopathy!
    With the adjustments made in this way and manner, we will find not only helpful influences but healing and an aid to any condition that may exist in the body, - unless there is a broken bone or the like!
Q.  How soon should osteopathic treatments be resumed?
A.  As indicated, it is well that these be in periods, then rest a period.  Inasmuch as these have not been administered wholly as has been indicated, and there has been a lack of the other properties indicated, we would begin these within a week or less, - or the first of next week we would begin again.  Then have a series of two to three weeks, then rest two to three weeks from such adjustments, - for the reaction from same.  For, as just indicated, a long series of such, just pulling or cracking here or there, has nothing to do with HEALING forces!  They have to be scientifically or CORRECTLY administered for the individual or particular disturbances, just as we have indicated here.
    Now, to stimulate the glands:  Some stimulate these, of course, by stimulating the vagus center, or by using the organ itself, - that is, the neck or the throat or about the glands.
    As we have indicated, as there is a combination of things to be taken internally as well as the mechanical or osteopathic adjustments, these are to be coordinated throughout the 2nd and 3rd dorsal centers; a general stimulation that IMPULSES to the vagus center are such as to carry to that portion of the body the inclination for nominal or normal adjustment of itself!  (1158-24)

    In several instances, Edgar Cayce told individuals that if they could not obtain osteopathic
treatment where they lived, the use the electrically-driven vibrator would produce similar results.
He said that the vibrator would help to produce coordination in the nervous systems and the
circulatory systems, which were important effects of properly given osteopathic treatment.

    Edgar Cayce also specifically recommended the electrically-driven vibrator as an adjunct to
chiropractic.  Unlike the osteopaths of that era, the chiropractors did not typically use coordinating
treatments.  Hence the vibrator was recommended to assist in the coordination of the nervous

    Here are some typical excerpts from the Cayce readings which refer to the use of the electrically
driven vibrator.  In general, the pattern of use was to move downward along the spine.  In some
instances, vibration of the abdomen was also recommended.  If you have problems with assimilation
or eliminations, you will probably benefit from including the abdominal pattern in your treatment.

(Q)  Should osteopathic treatments be continued?  If so, how often?
(A)  With the adjustments that have been made (which are fairly well aligned), the
electrically driven vibrations - if applied in any reasonable manner - would be as effective.
Then once a month, or once in two months, or three months, have a general treatment
osteopathically.  Save money and save yourself too!  (1048-3)

    Every day, preferably in the evening, use the Electrically Driven Vibrator across the
lower portion of the cerebrospinal system, from the base of the brain to the end of the
spine.  Use the applicator that forms a suction upon the body itself; that is, the cup
applicator.  Then, use it across the abdomen; following the line of the colon, from the liver
area down to the caecum, or opposite the right hip bone, then up and across the abdomen
just below the navel and then down to the left side opposite the left hip bone.  If these
instructions are followed, it will require about fifteen to eighteen to twenty minutes.  Don't
just run the vibrator over those areas, but take time to give a thorough treatment.  Come
down, you see, along the cerebrospinal system - that's along the backbone, on either side
of the backbone, and especially across the lower portion of the PELVIS area - that's across the small of the back and to the end of the spine!  COME DOWN the spine, you see, with
the strokes; not just running the machine back and forth!  Then use it across the
ABDOMEN, coming down from the liver area on the right side to the caecum, or that area
just below or opposite the right hip bone.  Then up just a little farther, you see, to the left;
to that area directly below the navel area but on the right side.  Then cross under the navel
to the left portion of the colon.  This is following, of course, the course of the colon.


    Edgar Cayce often recommended massage to:

  • relax the body,
  • increase flexibility and mobility,
  • increase blood and lymph flow (circulation),
  • aid in elimination of wastes.
    A wide variety of massage formats were recommended, including Swedish massage, neuropathic
massage, and osteopathic massage.

    Massage is the most frequently mentioned technique in the Cayce readings for establishing coordination in the primary nerve centers.  In this context, the major emphasis for coordination is between the "cerebrospinal" and "sympathetic" nervous systems.  These two great systems of the body connect in the nerve ganglia which run down along either side of the spine.  Here is an excerpt from the readings which describes the massage technique as well as the "the larger forms of the ganglia" (which are the major coordinating centers along the spine).

[Give] ... a gentle massage, that stimulates or relaxes by the stimulation of each of the ganglia along the cerebrospinal system;  more specifically in the areas where the cerebrospinal and sympathetic coordinate - in the larger forms of the ganglia.  These we find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cervical, 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal, 9th dorsal, and in the lumbar axis and coccyx center....
Q.  Should the massage be osteopathic, or could it be given by someone other than an osteopath?
A.  Anyone that understands the anatomical structure of the body, in knowing how to coordinate the sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems in the areas indicated.  These are not merely to be punched or pressed, but the ganglia - while very small - are as networks in these various areas. Hence a gentle, circular massage is needed;  using only  at times structural portions as leverages, but not ever - of course - bruising structure.    (3075-1)

    Note that anyone who understands anatomy can provide these coordinating treatments.  In the following excerpt, Cayce again notes that it is the knowledge of the centers and how to regulate them that is so special in regards to osteopathic regulation.

Q.  Should I continue osteopathic treatments; if so, about how often?
A.  These are well, to be sure, to keep coordination in the areas so affected, as also the CONNECTION areas.  For, there must be kept coordination between superficial circulation and the deep circulation; that is, from areas where there are those connections to the muscular forces under distress. There are certain ganglia from which impulses for circulation are carried; these, of course, in the cerebrospinal system; also certain areas where there are the connections or associations between superficial and deep circulation, - as the areas where better coordination is made between the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal nerve forces.  Osteopathic or Swedish massage, with particular reference to such centers, is beneficial at times.  Since not many of the masseurs know the centers, it is better to use the osteopathic treatment.  These are beneficial, - whether once a week, once in ten days, twice a month, ten times a year, or forty times a year.  When needed, take them!    (1710-10)

    Edgar Cayce's Massage, Hydrotherapy & Healing Oils: Health Through Coordination & Purification of Key Body Systems by Joseph and Sandra Duggan (1989) contains additional information on the use of specific massage techniques suggested in the readings.  I strongly recommend this book for readers interested in Cayce's perspective of nervous system coordination.

    For conditions requiring the use of electrotherapy (such as the wet cell battery), massage is an
important adjunct therapy which is given immediately after the battery session to "distribute the
vibratory energies" from the battery.  In such an application, be sure to spend some time giving a
"rotary" or "circular" massage along the spine, spending extra time at the location where the small
copper plate was attached during the Wet Cell session.


     Hydrotherapy is a form of physical therapy which involves the therapeutic use of water in a variety of ways such as Epsom salt baths, sitz baths, hot and cold  showers, douching, cabinet sweats, steam baths, fume and vapor baths, enemas, and colonics irrigation.  Hot and cold packs are also generally included as a form of hydrotherapy.  Hydrotherapy was frequently recommended by Cayce to stimulate circulation and promote elimination of waste products.


    Sometimes referred to as a colonic or colon hydrotherapy, colonic irrigation is recognized as a highly beneficial approach to the health care of the colon.  A colonic irrigation treatment is an internal bath that uses a professionally designed machine to give a high irrigation of the colon (large intestine).

    The application is a safe, gentle infusion into the rectum of warm, filtered water which circulates throughout the colon, dissolving and removing its contents, while the client lies comfortably on a table.  Water temperature and pressure is closely monitored and regulated during a series of fills and releases to aid in the peristaltic action of the colon.  A hospital gown ensures complete coverage for modesty and warmth.

    As the method involves an enclosed system, the waste materials are removed without the unpleasant odors or discomfort usually associated with enemas.

    A colonic is a forty-five-minute procedure which is restorative, relaxing, and effective.  It should be given by trained professional.


    Basic health begins with colon care.  Eliminating undigested food particles, glandular and cellular debris, excess mucus, gas and parasites play an essential part in the digestive and assimilative process.

    Due to technologies of food processing -- the use of preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, and chemical and hormonal food additives -- the need for cleansing the colon has never been greater.  Many of these toxins are reabsorbed into the bloodstream, lymph, liver, and nervous system, thus straining and eventually weakening the body's defense against viruses and foreign bacteria.

    The result is a breakdown which affects the body as a whole.  An increased toxic load contributes to the problems associated with the colon: constipation, toxemia, colitis, diarrhea, skin blemishes, low back pain, and headaches -- just to name a few.

    Colonic irrigation helps to clean out the accumulation of stagnant toxin-producing matter in the colon pockets and keep the colon muscles toned.  Improved muscle tone of the colon allows for the efficient removal of waste products from the body.  Purification of the systems of the body helps restore internal balance and overall health.


    Although enemas are not as thorough as colonic irrigations, some individuals may require this form of hydrotherapy due to unavailability of colon therapy services.  Harold Reilly, a physiotherapist highly regarded by Edgar Cayce,  recommended the following instructions for doing an enema:

How to Take an Enema

  • Prepare the enema can or bag setup.  Sterilize the nozzle or tube.  For a simple enema, use 1 quart of lukewarm water and 1 teaspoon each of salt and soda.  If we are using the apple-diet regimen and wish to obtain results comparable to a colonic, a three-stage enema will be required.
  • For the simple enema, lie on your left side.  Use Vaseline either on the rubber coot that fits over your finger or on the tube, and gradually dilate the rectum, working the Vaseline around.
  • Control the speed at which the water enters to prevent cramping.  If you feel you cannot hold the water, take deep breaths and close the valve until the intense feeling subsides.
  • After the quart of water has entered, hold as long as possible before expelling.  If you do not get satisfactory results, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure until there is evacuation of the descending colon.
    Recommended method:
  • Take the first quart of water, as above, on left side.
  • Second stage: Get in a knee-chest position on all fours on the floor and take a second quart of water with the salt-and-soda mixture.
  • Third stage: After expelling the second stage, rest a moment and then take a third quart, in which you have added one tablespoon of glycothymoline instead of the salt and soda.  Take the last enema lying on your right side.
    Get up and walk around before you expel the last enema.  It will give you a more thorough cleansing and the glycothymoline is very good for the mucous lining of the colon and entire intestinal system.  (The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy, page 245 - available from A.R.E. Press)

   "And keeping the colon clean is that which is necessary for every well-balanced body; hence should be a part of the experience for each entity."  (Edgar Cayce reading 1703-2)


    Mild steam baths were often recommended by Edgar Cayce to increase elimination of toxins through the skin and lungs.  This form of hydrotherapy is usually given in a steam cabinet.  A substance (such as witchhazel) is added to the boiling water in the cabinet to produce a vapor which settles over the body and is absorbed through the pores in the skin.  A hot and cold needle shower is typically used after the steam bath to cleanse the sweat and toxins from the skin.  A massage is then given to further relax the body and assist with eliminations.

     Therapists trained in the Cayce/Reilly approach to giving steam baths are knowledgeable regarding safeguards and contra-indications for this form of hydrotherapy.  It is usually best to begin gently with little heat to make sure that the body can handle the treatment.  Gradually, greater heat can used as the body is able to tolerate it.


     Edgar Cayce strongly emphasized the role of diet and nutrition in achieving and maintaining health.  As a rule, his recommendations in this area are consistent with current health trends, which focus on fresh fruits and vegetables and  decreased meat intake.  However, his perspective contains much information on less well-known concepts, such as food combining, acid/alkaline balance, and the therapeutic use of food.  Appendix A contains a description of a "basic Cayce diet" that addresses the most essential aspects of the Cayce approach to diet and nutrition.

     In addition to these basic, general recommendations, Edgar Cayce often recommended specific diets for persons with particular problems.  Individuals requiring nervous system regeneration were typically advised to follow a "nerve and body building" or "nerve and blood building" diet.  Such a diet is essentially the basic diet recommended by Cayce for everyone.  The diet is more alkaline than acid.  There is a heavy emphasis on fresh vegetables that grow above the ground.  Meat in small quantities is allowed with a preference for fish, fowl or lamb.  In certain cases, organ meat (brains, kidneys, liver, etc.) were recommended in small quantities.

      This type of diet will tend to improve and maintain eliminations due to the high raw vegetable content.  In neurological and psychiatric disorders, Cayce emphasized the importance of the B vitamins contained in certain vegetables.  Cayce generally preferred that vitamins be assimilated from food rather than supplements.  However, he did prescribe supplements in some cases.


     The Edgar Cayce readings strongly emphasize the need to establish and maintain proper body chemistry.  To this end, various medicinal compounds were recommended. Some were commercially prepared (e.g., Atomidine), others were to be mixed especially for each individual (e.g., the various valerian compounds).  The readings' profound respect for the body's biochemistry may be linked to the conviction that glands are spiritual centers involved in the continual recreation of the physical body through their hormonal secretions.  Therefore, the readings tend to rely on the digestive, assimilative and glandular systems as a natural pharmacy for meeting the body's biochemical needs.  Only when these systems were drastically impaired did the readings recommend "outside forces," such as drugs.

     Generally speaking, medication prescribed in the readings was intended to restore the body's ability to heal itself, rather than to treat the illness directly.  In this way the body could maintain a state of health with few, if any, harmful side effects.  Typically , the suggested medications were directed to the cause rather than the symptoms of the illness.  However, when symptoms were troublesome or life-threatening, he would draw upon the full range of medicinal aids, including some of the strongest drugs available.

    Here is complex herbal tonic recommended in reading 643-1:

    To 32 ounces of DISTILLED water, we would add (each ingredient to be CRUSHED before adding, but added in the order named):

    Wild Cherry Bark................2 ounces,
    Sarsaparilla Root...............1 ounce,
    Wild Ginseng....................1 ounce,
    Indian Turnip.................1/2 ounce,
    Yellow Dock Root................1 ounce,
    Buchu Leaves....................1 dram,
    Mandrake Root..................15 grains.

    Reduce this by slow boiling to 16 ounces.  Strain while warm and add (while still warm) 3 ounces of grain alcohol with 1 dram Balsam of Tolu cut in same.  Shake the solution well together before the dose is taken, which would be a teaspoonful 4 times each day - before the meals and before retiring.
    After this has been followed closely for at least until the whole first quantity of the tonic or compound has been taken, then we would give those changes necessary...
    For each of these ingredients in the compound has a special function to perform.
    The Wild Cherry Bark is an expectorant and a purifier, as combined especially with the other ingredients for the blood supply.
    The Sarsaparilla Root is an emit, or a STRENGTHENER to the activities of the secretions in the stomach and INTESTINAL tract.
    The Wild Ginseng will act directly with these combinations to the activities of the glands of the system; the genitive glands, the lacteal ducts, the lachrymal ducts, the adrenals, the thyroid, all will - with these combinations - make for an activity that is purifying and body-building.
    The Yellow Dock Root is an emit and blood purifier, an active principle with the secretions of the liver; As is also the Mandrake Root, and it - with the Buchu - is specifically active with the hepatic circulation.  Mandrake, of course, is of the Podophyllum activity, or another name for the same, and is productive towards the increased secretions through the alimentary canal;
    While the Buchu cleanses the kidneys from any of these poisons in such a manner as to make for bettered conditions.
    The alcohol with the tolu; the one is a preservative, the other an active principle to make the whole compound more palatable - and yet specific in its activity.   (643-1)


     Edgar Cayce recommended the use of several appliances and techniques which utilize electrical energy for healing.  Some of these modalities fall within the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., violet and ultra violet rays) and others were described as utilizing vibrational energy of a low electrical nature (e.g., Wet Cell Battery, Radial Appliance, magnetic healing).

     The low electrical energy was said to be the life force or creative force within the body.  Cayce's description of this force closely parallels the various oriental traditions (e.g., acupuncture, Quigong, etc.) which recognize the biophysical dimension of healing.


     The Radial Appliance (also referred to as the "Impedance Device" or the "Radio-Active Appliance") was frequently recommended by Cayce for the treatment of a wide variety of problems.  It was said to function strictly at the vibrational level, working directly with the low electrical energy of the body (the "life force"). The readings state that the Radial Appliance works with the same vibrational energy as the Wet Cell Battery but is less powerful. It's application was often suggested to relax and coordinate the systems of the body.

     The term "radio-active" in no way signifies atomic radiation of a toxic nature.  In fact, the vibrational energy associated with this appliance cannot be measured with current empirical technology.  The original designation was intended to describe the interaction of the appliance and the subtle energy involved (e.g., like a radio and radio waves).  The name was changed to avoid confusion as to the nature of the energies involved.


     The Wet Cell Battery was recommended by Edgar Cayce in over 900 readings.  Although this chemical battery produces a very minute direct current voltage, Cayce maintained that the therapeutic benefit was due to vibrational energy generated by the device.  The readings state that the battery, when used in conjunction with various therapeutic agents (such as gold), act indirectly upon the nervous system via the glandular system.  This subtle energy technology was prescribed in numerous cases of neurological illness where nervous system regeneration was needed.


     Electrotherapy was widely practiced by health care professionals during Edgar Cayce's career as a psychic diagnostician.  Consequently, he recommended many forms of this modality.

     The Violet Ray is a high voltage, low amperage source of static electricity which was invented about 1920 and was in common use during the 1920s and 30s.  It was recommended for a variety of purposes, including stimulation of circulation and the nervous systems.  It was usually prescribed as part of a treatment regimen where its use would be coordinated with other treatments (such as massage and spinal adjustment).  This device is commercially available and may be purchased by the public.

     The Radium Appliance was a device which utilized the healing properties of radium. The Radium Appliance was recommended in approximately 160 readings for a variety of disorders, including cancer, general debilitation, toxemia, ulcers, etc.   This device is no longer commercially available.


   The therapeutic recommendations advocated in the Edgar Cayce readings rely heavily on a
self-help approach to cognitive (mental) change.  Self-reflection and behavioral application are
advised to correct dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes.  Emphasis is placed upon awakening the
recognition of just how powerful the mind is in creating environmental and physiological conditions.
The readings are brimming with the expressions "mind is the builder" and "as a man thinketh in his
heart, so he is".  The readings insist that thoughts are real things.  The literalism of this statement is
reflected in this excerpt:

    Keep the constructive influences and forces ever as a portion of the mental self.  Know that the mental forces are the builders, and that the attitude which is known by the body builds the environment - and the environment makes the physical reactions.   (979-9)

     Working with one's beliefs and attitudes is not viewed as simply a cognitive (mental) exercise.
Attitudes are inextricably linked to behaviors: "As to the attitudes, - be not only good; but good
FOR something, and this not only as related to self but in its relations to others."  (3008-1)
Individuals are encouraged to become aware of their thoughts and change negative patterns.  The
changes will be reflected in new patterns of thought and behavior.


    Suggestive therapeutics is a naturalistic form of hypnosis utilized by caregivers during physical
treatments and during the early stages of sleep.  The idea is that certain physical therapies, such as
massage, electrotherapy and manual therapy can induce hypnotic trance.  Edgar Cayce
recommended that this natural trance state be used as a means of stimulating healing and addressing
behavioral issues.  The first few minutes of sleep (the hypnogogic period) offers a similar trance state
where the unconscious mind is open to suggestion.

     Because this technique utilizes trance states which are commonly associated with various physical therapies and sleep, the person providing the suggestions does not necessarily need to be a mental
health professional trained in hypnosis.  In other words, suggestive therapeutics allows one to bypass training in learning formal hypnotic induction techniques.

     The content of the hypnotic suggestions should always be positive.  It is also important that the
suggestions be relevant to the person's particular problems (whether physical disease, behavioral
problems, etc.).

     Persons wishing to use this intervention should list some areas of concern and find ways of
addressing these problems in a positive, affirmative manner.  If physical healing is involved, you may
wish to work with your physician or health care professional in forming these suggestions.  In fact,
health care professionals should be familiar with these techniques so as to apply them during therapy.


    Visualization was occasionally mentioned in the Cayce readings as a means of changing one's
experience.  However, the readings also warned that this technique should be used in accordance
with one's ideals.  In other words, be careful what you visualize, you may get it.

    A practical application of visualization was often suggested to improve the efficacy of the physical
treatments.  The person receiving therapy was told to visualize the therapies working in the body - to "see" healing occurring during the actual treatments.  This use of visualization was thus a safe and
natural application of the principle "mind is the builder."


   Because Edgar Cayce was a devout Christian and biblical scholar, it is natural that he
occasionally recommended certain scriptural passages to suffering individuals.  He lived in the "Bible
belt" and many of the persons coming to him shared his religious views.   In these cases he often
utilized the resources of these persons through bibliotherapy.  He had a definite preference for the
30th chapter of Deuteronomy and the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th chapters of John.  These selections
speak of the closeness of God and the promise of help for those who have faith.

     Also note that in reading 1099-1, the individual is encouraged to read and think along spiritual
lines, leaving the definition of spiritual and the choice of material to the individual.  This
recommendation is consistent with the reading's tendency to treat each person individually and to
encourage everyone to establish their own spiritual ideals.

     Although bibliotherapy was usually suggested to provide comfort and solace, the readings also
recommended it as a means of changing dysfunctional attitudes.  In these cases, reading and study
were not enough - the insights had to be incorporated into behaviors.  In other words, "don't just be
good, but be good for something".


    Edgar Cayce was a man of prayer and meditation.  Thus, it is not surprising to find suggestions for prayer and meditation in the readings.  His fundamental Christian upbringing is evident in these
recommendations, not only in the King James flavor of the words and expressions, but also in the
direct and simple sincerity with which they were spoken.

    He seemed to use a utilization approach to these recommendations.  That is, if the person seeking
help came from a background in which prayer, meditation and Christian service were practiced (as
was often the case, as he lived in the "Bible Belt"), he utilized the resources of that person in making
the suggestions.  The background information in these cases is often insightful in this respect.  The
letters exchanged between Cayce and these individuals conveyed the familiarity of persons sharing in a common religious faith.

    The readings state that there are objective, demonstrable effects of prayer and meditation in the
physical bodies and day-to-day lives of persons practicing these disciplines.  Therefore,  the readings often recommend prayer and meditation during the use of the Radial Appliance.  This is in keeping
with the notion that spirit interfaces at definite anatomical centers within the body, and treatments
such as electrotherapy could be helpful in maintaining the integrity of these connections.


    Edgar Cayce consistently emphasized the importance of purposeful living.  This was especially true with regard to healing.  For example, this question was sometimes posed: "If you are healed, what will you do differently with your life?"

    The question was intended to arouse a deeper sense of meaning to the experience of illness.  The sick individual was challenged to explore the context of the experience; to view disease as a growth opportunity.  Perhaps suffering can sometimes be a way of calling our attention to some greater purpose in life.

    In other words:

  • What is the standard by which we measure health?
  • Is health merely a goal to be achieved?
  • Is there a greater purpose in the pursuit of wellness?
  • Do we daily give thanks for our wellness?
  • Do we truly desire to be well or merely to avoid pain?
  • Do we expect to be healed when we become ill?
  • Do the thoughts and emotions we entertain have anything to do with health?
  • Is our lifestyle (behavior) related to sickness and healing?
  • Do health and healing have anything to do with our purpose for living?
  • What is the ideal attitude to hold regarding health and healing?
     These are some of the questions that we ask ourselves during the soul searching experience of serious or persistent illness.  Most people know the answers to these questions.  Yes - our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and purpose in life contribute to health or illness.  Yes - the attitude we hold regarding health and healing is important.  So what can do about what we know.  How can create and maintain an ideal attitude for healing?


    The Cayce readings frequently suggest an "ideals exercise" designed to examine and modify dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors based upon spiritual considerations.  This exercise consists of writing down one's ideals on paper.  The process involves making three columns headed: SPIRITUAL, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL and listing words under each which signify the meaning of each category.  The spiritual ideal is a person or concept which conveys the highest sense of purpose or meaning to which one may ascribe.  The mental ideal is the mental attitude which is consistent with the spiritual ideal.  The physical ideal is the behavior or physical manifestation of the spiritual ideal.  Thus, the holistic perspective is maintained by the coordinating of physical, mental and spiritual ideals.

    The technique is cognitive-behavioral since it brings to awareness the attitudes and beliefs upon which a person is operating and links the mental dimension to concrete behaviors.  The mental and physical ideals are modified to be consistent with the spiritual ideal.  The difference between this technique and many contemporary cognitive-behavioral (psychological) models is the role of the spiritual ideal as the standard for mental and physical processes.  The Cayce readings do not advocate a "value-free" approach to healing.  However, the values are not to be imposed by an outside agency - each person must work through the process on one's own to find one's own balance.

    The readings state that ideals will change as one progresses through life.  Therefore, the ideals exercise is an ongoing process of reorientation.  It may be viewed as a tool for maintaining balance and integration at all phases of one's life.

    The use of ideals has important clinical implications.  Persons who have high spiritual ideals, but whose mental attitudes and physical behaviors fall short of these spiritual ideals, may be prone to self-condemnation (and depression) for failing to live up to their own standards.  Or, they may project their perceived shortcomings onto others.  Self-blame or blaming of others is likely to lead to psychological and/or interpersonal problems.  On the other hand, a person with low spiritual ideals (or the complete absence of them) may find life meaningless, boring and empty.   A person without a sense of ideals will often experience illness as a tragedy.  Disease provokes fear and a sense of being victimized by something outside and beyond oneself.

    Focusing on ideals shifts consciousness.  We have to take some degree of responsibility for our situation.  We must define a course of action that takes all aspects of our experience (spiritual, mental and physical) into consideration.  People who are able to make such an attitude adjustment feel more empowered to deal with illness.  They have a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.  They have a reason to be healed - to manifest a high spiritual ideal.

    The word "transformation" is sometimes used in such instances.  Often, individuals who experience exceptional healing speak of  their illness as a "gift."  They attest to a remarkable change in their attitude towards illness, health and life generally.



    Do the "ideals exercise" described above.  Don't trust it to memory - do the exercise on paper.  Then, spend a few moments each day to review your ideals.  Ponder these questions:

  • What is your purpose for being healed?
  • Is health merely a goal to be achieved?
  • Do you daily give thanks for whatever degree of wellness that you experience?
  • Do you truly desire to be well or merely to avoid pain?
  • Do you expect to be healed?
  • Are your thoughts and attitudes conducive to being healed?
  • Is your lifestyle (behaviors) conducive to being healed?
  • Have you included the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of the protocol into your ideals?
  • What is the ideal attitude to hold regarding health and healing?
Click here for Lesson 7.
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