
Cayce Comprehensive Symptom Inventory (CCSI)
  Workbook and Manual
Version 1.0


    The CCSI Workbook and Manual is intended for use as a research and educational tool.  At this time, the CCSI and related materials do not have sufficient reliability and validity for clinical use apart from research and education applications.  The program presented in this workbook and manual is designed to stimulate further thinking about the meaning and practicality of the Cayce health information.


    This workbook and manual consists of two basic parts:

  • PART 1: CCSI WORKBOOK - The CCSI Workbook is intended to provide a user-friendly format for understanding the Cayce health readings upon which the CCSI is based.  Part 1 is organized to systematically guide you through the structure of a typical Cayce "physical reading."  The workbook has a strong educational emphasis.
  • PART 2: CCIS ADMINSTRATION AND INTERPRETATION MANUAL - The CCSI Manual is intended to provide the usual administration and interpretation information that comes with any documented psychometric instrument.


    Having studied and applied the information in this program, you will be able to:

  • Understand the structure and format of a typical Cayce health reading;
  • Recognize the most common patterns of pathology as identified by Edgar Cayce;
  • Administer the CCSI;
  • Interpret the CCSI;
  • Undertand the conceptual link between the Cayce health readings and the CCSI.


    This program is intended for persons who have a fundamental knowledge of anatomy and physiology and a strong desire to understand Edgar Cayce's perspective of health and healing.  If you are not medically trained, you may find it helpful to obtain a general anatomy/physiology textbook as a resource.  This workbook and manual does not deal extensively with basics that can easily be learned from standard sources.  Rather, the emphasis is on the areas in which the Cayce material is divergent from or complementary to the standard medical model.


    The CCSI and CCSI Workbook and Manual should not be regarded as a guide to self-diagnosis or self-treatment.  The CCSI is a research and education tool.  The cooperation of a qualified health care professional is essential if one wishes to work with the health concepts in the Cayce readings as represented in the CCSI Workbook and Manual.

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