
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce
Yellow Saffron

Botanical Name: Carthamus tinctorius

Common Names and Synonyms: Saflower, American Saffron, Dyer's Saffron, Fake Saffron, Flores Carthami, Bastard Saffron

Background: Yellow (American) saffron is not related to the expensive culinary (Spanish) saffron.  American Saffron is the Saflower.  Today this plant is grown mostly because for its high percentage of polyunsaturated oil, which tends to lower blood cholesterol.  The annual plant grows almost 3 feet tall and blooms during June or July.  A single smooth upright stem having pointed, shiny,  leaves bears a compact flower. The flower head is 1 to 1 ½ inches across, and looks similar to a thistle.  The flower heads turn dark yellow to deep red in August.  The heads produce an intense yellow or red substance which is used for dye.  In the past the dye was used for cosmetic rouge, to dye mummy wrappings, color silks and other textiles.  The seeds produce oil which is popularly  used in cooking.  The oil is also used in paints and varnishes.  Medicinally, the flowers of yellow saffron have a laxative and diaphoretic action used to treat measles, fever, and erruptic skin disorders.

Yellow Saffron in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce recommended yellow (American) saffron for gastro-intestinal healing.  Yellow saffron was usually prescribed as a tea, although several readings included it in complex formulas to heal the digestive system or produce a laxative effect.  Yellow saffron was consistently prescribed for skin conditions such as psoriasis to heal the walls of the small intestine ("leaky gut syndrome) which the readings often cited as the source of the problem.
  • When used as a tea, yellow saffron was often used in conjunction with other substances, most often slippery elm bark water (108 readings), olive oil (85 readings) and chamomile tea (17 readings).
Cayce Quotes on Yellow Saffron

... the action of the saffron to the body is to go through the action of  the juices of the stomach, the proper incentive to carry on throughout the system the stimulating force needed to give rejuvenated life to this portion of the stomach when we are rebuilding proper channels through these, then the expressions coming to the nerve force and to all the rest of the body become through the proper channels.

    The active principle of the medicinal qualities are these: with the senna we give the active principle to the pancrean juices.  With the rhubarb and licorice we add the active principle to the mucous membrane itself in the upper intestines, giving off more of the properties used as a lining to the intestinal tract.  While the saffron is a sedative and a food for all of the organs throughout.

... the action of the yellow saffron is to act on the duodenum and the functioning of the small intestines ...

So let all of the water that is taken into the system carry both the properties of elm and the weak solution of yellow saffron, for its effect will assist the kidneys and the organs of the pelvis that produce some irritation to the system.

    Let all of the water as taken in the system carry small quantities of elm and yellow saffron.  This is to remove inflammation in the system internally.  That is, to the glass of water add small pinch of the ground elm bark and small pinch of the powdered yellow saffron.  Do that, we will bring relief for this body.

    As to the medicinal properties for this system, we would take none save those that act as a laxative to the system, and when this is taken this would be and would meet the necessary needs for this body:

                  Cascara Sagrada..............2 grains,
                  Licorice Compound............1 grain,
                  Yellow Saffron...............2 grains.

    Take into the system a mild tea, as is prepared from Yellow Saffron. This will be healing and relaxing in a sedative manner to the intestinal tract all the way through.

    Then there should be taken REGULARLY Yellow Saffron Tea.  The combination of these, as we see, is to soothe and to lessen this irritation as is kept up through the intestine and through the stomach.

    Those of senna, yellow saffron, and Dover's powders, sufficient to act on liver and the intestinal system, especially the colon.

    Now, as to occasionally - and what these properties mean for the system:  In taking the elm, this in its active principle for THIS system adds to the alkaline reaction from the salivary glands to action of the cardiac portion of stomach.  The Yellow Saffron reduces the hydro-chloric reaction in stomach proper.  The lithia adds to the efficiency of the active forces necessary through the lower hepatic circulation, clarifying and relieving kidneys from the distresses as would be caused by and under active principle.  Now the added force in the Magnesia is to sweeten the condition in the duodenum and in the jejunum in its reaction in the system, or so that in the action of foods in system will bring the nearer normal assimilation and the eliminations for the body.

    Just before the MEALS are taken, that of a MILD tea of Saffron should be able to coat the whole of the stomach proper.  This will aid digestion.

(Q)  Will saffron tea be helpful?
(A)  Helpful, as has been given, in keeping an equilibrium between the acid forces of the body.

    In that of the saffron, this would be made in a very mild tea, but the effects of this are that, with the muco-membrane of the stomach, of the duodenum, of that portion of the digestive forces in system,  will prevent that recurrent condition of acidity, and the too much of the alkalin - for one is as bad or as SEVERE on the ulcerated or lacerated conditions, as occur from time to time.  Hence the necessity that these be in the water as is taken.

    But if we will add TO the system those properties that are somewhat soporific in their nature, and that will work with not only the direct disorder itself but which reacts through the system, or portion of system so disturbed directly, these will be helpful - as was used before, and as given.  That of yellow Saffron tea, taken two, three, four times a day - teaspoonful, see? and olive oil.  The action of these upon this portion of the system is to make for the activity of the gastric juices as are set in motion by the taking into the system ANY property, whether that of just the saliva of spittle or of water, or of food, to make that in the portion of the system react that will meet the needs, or supply the needs, of FITTING that so ENTERING the stomach to the needs of the body!  See?  Alright!  With the taking of the oil, that is as food to the lining and to the muscular forces of the whole of the intestinal system, and that of the Saffron - which is soporific in its reaction to the activity OF the system, then these combined - though, of course not taken together, for the oil will be taken two times each day, while the Saffron will be taken three or four times a day - teaspoonful; olive oil, teaspoonful morning and evening.

    The Saffron will assimilate and coordinate with the gastric juices of the DIGESTIVE system, in such a way and manner as to eliminate that character of poisons that saps the vitality of the muco-membranes OF the digestive and intestinal system.

    And two, three, four times a day - but not at the same time with the Oil - take Pure Yellow Saffron Tea.  The activity of these properties upon the gastrointestinal system will be to create an effluvium in the very activity of the mucus membranes through the flow of the lymph to aid in not only healing but in giving texture and strength especially to those portions of the alimentary canal that are of the disturbing nature.  Make a Saffron Tea, you see.  The proportions would be about a teaspoonful of the Yellow Saffron (American Saffron, not necessarily Spanish) to six ounces of water; this a heaping teaspoonful.  Let this steep. It is necessary that this be kept cool.  And take about an ounce of it, or a tablespoonful of it, two to three times a day.


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