
The Cayce Herbal 
 A Comprehensive Guide to the  
Botanical Medicine of Edgar Cayce

Botanical Name: Valeriana officinalis

Common Names and Synonyms: All-Heal, Great Wild Valerian, Amantilla, Setwall, Setewale Capon's Trail, Valerian Root.

Background: Although valerian is indigenous to Europe and western Asia, it is cultivated in many parts of the world and has become naturalized in portions of North and South America.  Valerian may be found in meadowland and grassland, along banks of streams and roads.  Valerian blooms from June to September. The plant attains a height of three or four feet.  The tiny flowers are white, tinged at the edges with  colors ranging from pink to pale purple.  Valerian is cultivated in the United States in New Hampshire and Vermont and appears to be superior to that which is native to the marshy thickets of England.  The crown of flowers are cut off as soon as they begin to appear, allowing the stem and roots more growth.  Roots and stems are gathered after the leaves have fallen.  The roots are brittle with a thick  brown bark outside, and yellow inside, and older roots may be hollow.  The roots have a distinct, bitter, camphor-like taste.  Valerian is generally classified as an antispasmodic, or nerve tonic.

Valerian in the Cayce Readings
  • Edgar Cayce recommended valerian as a nervine - in some cases a sedative, in other instances an energizer and stimulus.
  • Valerian was mentioned in 206 readings between 1921 and 1945.
  • Valerian was always recommended as a tincture, as follows:
      1/2 ounce 61 readings
      2 ounces 49 readings
      1 ounce 29 readings
      1/4 ounce 26 readings
      4 ounces 21 readings
      3 ounces 4 readings
      1 dram 1 reading
      20 minims 1 reading
      5 minims 1 reading
  • Valerian was always recommended with other substances in a tonic, never by itself.  Although a wide diversity of  formulas were given, the most common substances mentioned in the same readings as valerian were as follows:
      Calisaya 174 readings
      Potassium Bromide 139 readings
      Potassium Iodide 134 readings
      Capsicum 116 readings
      Stillingia  38 readings
      Pepsin 33 readings
      Celerina  27 readings
      Sassafras 27 readings
      Sarsaparilla 24 readings
      Tolu 23 readings
Cayce Quotes on Valerian

    In those of the Valerian, we find as a nerve stimuli, NOT a hypnotic, nor is it a sedative, but acts AS a nerve stimuli to the system, especially to the sympathetic nerve system.

    The Valerian as the sedative to the digestive system, and especially to the pyloric forces in the stomach proper.

    These, we would find, will be aided most by a stimuli as is of the nature that comes from those that will be found in a compound form Indian Turnip and of Wild Ginseng, added with those of an astringent and cardiac that comes from those of Capsici and of VALERIAN.

    The Valerian is a nerve tonic.

    The Valerian as a nerve stimuli.

(Q)  What is causing my restless nights, when the mental and physical bodies are so in need of rest?
(A)  The irritations to the metabolism of the system, or the nervous reaction from same.  Hence the properties as indicated, through the activity of the Valerian and Stillingia as combined with the other properties, taken once or twice each day - half a teaspoonful.  We only want the IMPULSE created in the functionings of the organs themselves, that will MAINTAIN a balance provided the IMPULSE is through the nerve plexus carried for same; as will some of these properties work with the creating of a balance between the upper and lower circulation through the hepatics.

    See, the sage as combined with the ambergris and the valerian - that acts with the nerve forces .

    Valerian - an active force with the nerve energizing of the whole system.

    These are sedatives, sure but not sedatives in the nature that are of ANY way habit FORMING.  Who would WANT Calisaya!  It is blood purifying, and there's the Valerian - which is nerve sedative - as is those of the iodine, or iodide and bromides are sedatives for the nerve system; and the body will respond to these, these applied in the manner given.


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